ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi. I tried here to read all about problems/solutions with beomaster 1900 whit the same issue but non ware as mine is.
The unit was bought as non runner with just the stand by light working when plugged in. When opened it up several old caps ware leaking and had cracks.
I recaped the whole thing whit Martins kit, and the rectifier as well. I tested the lamps and they all work I changed all three the fuses. And all I get is the stand by light. If per example FM or other buttons are bushed the stand by light flickers time when button is pressed but non reaction of the beomaster not even relay click. So for now im completely stuck whit it and do not know what could be the problem?
Best regards
Shorted output stage or DC on output?Bad IC9?Bad relay/driver?Lead(s) broken off solder joint(s) on relay board?Bad transistor in standby sensitouch circuit?Bad source selector IC(s)?