ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I know what the MC120.2 should sound like, in my experience they should have a reicher sound and more pronoounced low range compared to the Beovox S80.2.
OK, so I found these speakers at a good price, all original, but refomed seemingly by Tim 5 years old. I have opened the speakers and corrected the polarity of one woofer. I checked the filters for broken components and found none, the midrange and trebble sound ok so I do not think the issue lies there.
The woofers move freely, and I cannot hear them scraping on anything when moving them. My question is if a bad refoaming could cause the lack of performance that I hear compared to the Beovox S80.2. Does anybody have experience of similar issues? worth having them refoamed professionally?
Any tips and trick welcome.
FYI, As amplifier I am using a racapped BC9300 with improved preamp.
DPlease check this:
Hi Stereomensch,
Not the same as your link, The woofers are working, just not well. Thank you for the suggestion. Have a look at the handywork of refoaming below.