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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision Avant MKI and PUC

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sergi0 Posted: Wed, May 1 2019 8:54 AM

Hello folks !

Following the good advices here, I finally went with a BV Avant 75 MKI. I have 2 HDMI source, a Freebox (french ISP set top box) and a Nvidia Shield TV. With my old TV, everything was controlled using CEC HDMI protocol (Loewe Individual Compose from 2009), but I knew I had to go with the PUC system.

During configuration we realize that the Freebox isn't IR driven (radio) and the Shield is BT :). I order everything needed to have them worked with IR (and attached the IR PUC on them), but I wanted to have some feedback from people about it. The 2 source are listed on the PUC list, so I assume everyhting will work straight away once plugged and setup, but I suspect it could not be so simple...

Any feedback ?

One more thing... Are there any advices on the parameters to use on the TV ?




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Bronze Member
sergi0 replied on Wed, May 8 2019 11:32 AM

feedback :

For the shield, I had to get a configuration file on the Web in order to have the FLIRC dongle working with the shield. Once it was the case, everything was flawless.

For the Freebox, it was almost instantly perfect except that I can't boot the Freebox using the Beoremote 1. I need to turn it on using the original remote. The box is in suspend mode and USB port are powered (the option is set in the configuration menu of the box and I test it with a device). Maybe there are an error in the PUC code that does not allow the remote to send the right IR code to boot it... But I doubt that honestly as the power function to shut it down work :)



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