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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Using true wireless for music on Beolab 20?

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This post has 13 Replies | 2 Followers

Peter Harrig
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Roskilde, Denmark
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Peter Harrig Posted: Thu, May 9 2019 8:29 AM

I want to get rid of cabling to Beolab 20 (only use a power cable and no audio cables), but can only find Beosound Moment having the capability to use the WISA wireless. Another possibility is the Core, but this will require cabling to the speakers - then I would need to add the Transmitter, where I can also hook up my Samsung QLED TV.

Any other possibilities? I find it strange that the Beloab 20 are wireless, but so few music products supports dire4ct wireless streaming to them…?


Top 50 Contributor
Louannec - France
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mbolo01 replied on Thu, May 9 2019 8:53 AM
Transmitter 1 (TR1) is a good compromise. If you are not looking for surround sound but stereo only, even with more than 2 x speakers, then you can connect several B&O and non B&O source to it (with some limitations)

My setup is:

TR1 to BL 18, 19 and 8000 (with receivers 1)

Core + Ouverture to Transmitter

Samsung TV to Core

Moment NL linked to Core

BS Moment, BS Core, BG 4002, BC 4500, BS1, BL18, BL19, BL8000 + RCV1, A6, M5, M3, A1, P6 (tks Botty), H5, TR1

Peter Harrig
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Roskilde, Denmark
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Bronze Member

Thanks - looks like a good setup. I didn't think of having the Moment as well as Core+TR1, but that would also be a nice solution as I'm kinda missing seeing my CD covers ;)

Peter Harrig
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Roskilde, Denmark
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… and using optical cable from Core to Transmitter, but the Samsung has optical output as well?

Top 50 Contributor
Louannec - France
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mbolo01 replied on Tue, May 14 2019 9:03 AM
Peter Harrig:

… and using optical cable from Core to Transmitter, but the Samsung has optical output as well?

Core is connected via Powelink to the TR1 (e.g Ethernet cat 7 shielded) and my Samsung TV is connected via optical to the Core. In that case TV volume is controlled my an Essence Remote paired with the Core, but others have connected their TV to TR1 optical and added an IR receiver on the TR1 to control the volume on the TR1 with the TV remote as the TV optical output volume generally cannot be controlled.

BS Moment, BS Core, BG 4002, BC 4500, BS1, BL18, BL19, BL8000 + RCV1, A6, M5, M3, A1, P6 (tks Botty), H5, TR1

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Helsinki, Finland
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Chromecast audio Wink

"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

Peter Harrig
Not Ranked
Roskilde, Denmark
Posts 8
Bronze Member

Thanks - have made exactly that setup and works perfectly - only missing my opticla minipug, which I should get today! :)

Peter Harrig
Not Ranked
Roskilde, Denmark
Posts 8
Bronze Member

Thanks - have made exactly that setup and works perfectly - only missing my opticla minipug, which I should get today! :)

Peter Harrig
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Roskilde, Denmark
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… yes, thought about this as well, but thought I for once should be loyal to the Danish brand ;)

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Jelved replied on Fri, May 15 2020 3:27 PM

Hi Peter

i also bought a set of Beolab 20 and a Beosound Core and thought I could og truely wireless, but alas still needed the powerlink cables.

I have now bought a Chromecast Audio, but have not yet Got it to work with the Beolab 20. Did you get it to work and if so how?

Regards Bo

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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Hej Bo,

The CCA does not care for/depend on the speakers used in the setup.

You’d connect it to the Core!

But......the Core has already ChromeCast built-in - you don’t need the extra device.

Just open the app, that you want to use and click the Cast icon to choose your Core.

If correct set up, you don’t need anything/to do anything else - the speakers will turn on when the Core receives a sound signal.

P.S. Save/keep your CCA device for another setup sometime....these small devices are discontinoued and are getting rare.

N.B. In case you have tried to connect the CCA directly to the BL20’s.....I would not recomment that.

You’d need cables there anyway.

The Core gives you all that you’d need for wireless connection from your phone/tablet/laptop.

If you don’t want the PL cables to the BL20’s, the only option will be the Transmitter 1.

P.P.S. If you don’t already have a BeoRemote One - I would highly recommend it for controlling the built-in sources of the Core (e.g. Netradio) and for volume controlling.


There is a tv - and there is a BV

Barry Santini
Top 150 Contributor
New York
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Please keep in mind that just the sound file container size is no guarantee of increased fidelity.

You need an recording whose original provenance matches the container size, i.e., a 96/24 recording for a 96/24 container. A 44.1/16 recording in a 96/24 container gives you nothing additional except a larger expenditure. How that recording was mixed and mastered matters most.
Top 150 Contributor
Washington DC
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If you have uploaded your CDs to the Cloud (Apple Music) you can use an iPad and connect to the Core using AirPlay 2 and still have access to the covers. Might be a little more cost effective, but the Moment looks beautiful.

B&O in my life 😊: 


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  • Beolab 6000 + Beolab 11 + Beosound Core with Essence Remote (Bedroom)
  • Beoplay A9 Mk2 (Living Room)
  • Beosound 1 with wireless dock (Portable)
  • Beosound Balance (Dining)
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  • Beoplay H9 (3rd gen) (retired)
  • Beoplay P6 (Portable)
  • Beotime wall clock (hallway entrance)
  • BMW X5 50i with B&O Audio Package (Commute/drive)




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Jelved replied on Wed, Jul 15 2020 10:21 AM

Thanks - I ender up buying a transmitter. But now I Seem to experience a volume decrease when not using PL cables but only wisa. Has anyone else experience this?

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