ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
No sound outdoors
BS9000 (with 2 BeoLab8000s running through BeoLab2 in main living area)
BeoLink Passive with masterlink to BS9000, ir eye from BeoLink to outdoor location, 1 Bose free space 51 wired to BeoLink with wire attached to 2 pin din (looks like BeoLink could/would accept 4 pin but the 2 pin din(s) came with it?)
Beo4 (type 1621/22/24/25), seems to be responsive to ir eye remote as cd's will turn on and play, just no sound
What am I missing???
**side note: I live in the US but all items were purchased in EU. BL8000's & BS9000 were converted for US by B&O. All other components are running through a 1000W Auto Step Up & Step Down Voltage Transformer Converter
Hi and welcome to Beoworld! Hopefully we can help!
First check all the connections, making sure that all the relevant plugs are securely in their sockets (unplug and then reconnect), as follows:
- Check the Masterlink cable between the BS9000 and the passive.
- Check the IR sensor cable is inserted fully into the Passive.
- Check that the power cable is correctly inserted into the Passive. Does the little indicator light in the corner of the Passive change from Red to Green when you try to turn the outdoor speakers on?
- Check that both speakers are plugged into the Passive.
Do all the above with the system powered down, and power it up again once you have checked all connections.
(EDIT: Having re-read your post I see that you are only using a single speaker outdoors - a bit strange but never mind. I would check that speaker connection first, and given that you are only using a single speaker, try moving it to the other din socket on the Passive.)
I`d also check the option settings - usually in your setup A.OPT 1(audio option) for BS9000 and L.OPT 5 (link option) for BL passive.
If your BS9000 and BL passive will be activated by sending RADIO- or CD command via BL passive or by pressing the PLAY button on the IR receiver, check the wiring of the BL passive speaker outputs. They are special 3 pin DIN connections for use with MCL speaker kits. If you connect passive speakers directly you need only two pins.
Correct wiring:
Hope this helps
A few more troubleshooting questions:
1) When the system is all connected to power, but not turned on playing anything (standby is the B&O term), is there a red dot on the IR receiver connected to the Passive? No red dot means the IR receiver is off. Either the passive has no power, the connection to the passive is poor or the IR receiver is broken.
2) When you press buttons on the Beo4 within range of the Passive's IR receiver, does the red dot blink? If the red dot doesn't blink, then the Beo4 is bad, there's a bad connection between the IR and passive or the passive has some internal issues.
3) Are your IR receiver and BS9000 near each other? Would a remote command go to both (remember that B&O remotes use a different frequency and are more powerful so their signals bounce and travel much further than a regular remote)? If they're in the same room (for example), then the passive needs to be set to the "link" option (A.Opt 5). In this mode, it will not respond to "CD" or "Radio", but you must send it a "Link-CD" or "Link-Radio" command. These link commands need to be configured in your Beo4 (search this website for instructions).
4) Assuming you can send a command (either link-cd or cd, depending on the option setting of the passive) to the passive's IR receiver (and you see the red light blink on the IR), does the BS9000 wake up and play a CD? IF so, then the master link end of your system is working fine, and any audio problems will be in your passive, the speaker wiring or the speaker.
I hope this helps.
Oops, I guess in 4) above, the lack of sound could also mean there's an issue in your master link audio channels. The masterlink cable carries both sound and control. Having the CD player wake up from a command to the passive means the masterlink control wiring is fine. I guess it doesn't mean the audio is fine. However, if you have a single masterlink cable with a direct connection from the BS9000 to the passive (with no junction boxes), the likelihood of a partial masterlink wiring failure is very low.
The single speaker prob does sound a bit weird but was temporary (2nd one of the pair was accidentally left at other residence). I thought maybe the single speaker was the problem but come to find out the speaker itself is not working. I will keep you updated when we get replacement speakers. Thanks so much for your help!!
Come to find out the speaker itself is not working so I'll see what happens when I get replacement speakers. You mentioned L.OPT 5 but I set it to OPT 6 per the setting up guide?? Thanks for your help!!
I'm hopeful that the problem is the fact that the speaker itself is bad (had it tested yesterday). Otherwise, everything powers up and seems to be working. I'll know more when I get replacement speakers and will be sure to post the outcome. Thanks for your help!!