ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I alls,
I have a beomaster 1001 with Beovox 1001 as main speakers.I would like to add a pair of ambio speakers and may have an opportunity on a pair of CX50.
What do you think of that combo? if it should work, which would you use as main and as ambio speakers?
Side question to avoid a new thread: which combination would you recommend knowing it should at least include the beovox 1001?
Thank to anybody who may respond…
Thank you Cleve for your reply,
I was also pleasantly surprised by the sound of the Beovox 1001: warm, full, round with deep bass.In my understanding the 1001s were entry level speakers designed to be primarily used as ambio with Beovox 1702, 1802 or 2702 as main.But they're often found with second hand BM 1200 or 1001, so I believe they're also often used as main speakers (my case).
If I come across an other pair, I'll stick to them but they're not often seen around in white.
Please could you provide some links or direction on that:
Cleviebaby: the amplifier in the Beomaster 1200/1001 has particular characteristics and performs best with the speakers it was designed to be used with - the Beovox 1200/1001. Tim, on the relevant page of his ‘Beocentral’ site, suggests another pair of 1001s for ambio use.
I'd like to learn more about those matters.
What is your profile picture please? Is it a speaker or a TV ? I'm curious.
Thanks again and all the best.
I didn't knew about the specific loudness on the BM1200, so I've learned something today, Thank you!Anyway I found the whole system (I'm lucky to have a full set with matching Beocord 1200 and Beogram 3000) sounds great and warm.
I came across Dieter Ram's name twice today. Maybe I should have a look at his work.
Would be curious to hear those speakers sound! And they look great too.