ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I recently bought a second-hand Beogram 7000 with an MMC2 element. When you press on start, the tone arm goes neatly above the record, however, after it has fallen on the record, I have to give a little push to the tone arm, then I hear the sound properly. If I don't do this little push, the sound sounds awful. It seems that the tone arm sticks.
Does anyone have an idea?
Best regards,
Bertus Toering
Hi all,
I was a bad MMC element.
I have already sent two elements to for repair: | Pick-up service. Buying, selling and restoring B & O and all other MM and MC cartridges
Neatly repaired and a quotation in advance. I have now had two elements repaired, MMC4 and an MMC5. Done perfectly.
Best regards.
Hi Pat,
When I help the tone arm a little bit, it plays the whole record (fully).
The sounds is then excellent.
Thanks, I buy a new MMC2 element.
Saint Paul,
I was a bad cartridge suspension. Yesterday I received a MMC2 element and the sound is perfect.