ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hey all,
Recently inherited my first B&O system. Beomaster 7000, beocord 7000, Beogram 7000, Beogram cd 7000, beovox 7000 speakers and a beolink 7000.
Its been a lightly used system but also not very maintained. So I’m slowly fixing issues and starting with the beocord deck. I have seen tutorials for replacemt, Where do I get the belts?
Thanks all!
I can supply correct belts and many other parts.
PM or e-mail me.
Cool TY!
just acquired loads of B & O equipment. Added some "modern" HiFi (relative to my original collection all 70s Amps decks and cassette decks).
Hoping to slowly work through the equipment :
Beomaster 5500 x2 + 1 Beomaster 5000
Beocord 5500 and a beautiful BC 7000
Beogram 5500 and a Beogram 5000
A master control panel 5000 and a 5500 MCP with a Beolink unit.
It has taken over a year or so but at the moment I am simply admiring their beauty and wonderful construction and attention to detail, absolutely marvelous.... they look so light and modern but are deceptively weighty....
Main point of of the post was that I have just now started to go through the units and the first to be tested was the BC 7000.
Everything lights up on the front panel but the tape does not move at all.
Once I press play the head is locked into position and no movement. will not dis-engage when I press stop.
no forward, no reverse or "turn" of the head.
opened it up today, what a marvel, even more impressive on the inside.
found the capstan roller needs to be helped to rotate, then it just disengages the head and then stops rotating, is the normal ?
is the main roller just to engage and disengage the head ?
then i finally got it to fast forward but no reverse or play.
the heads do not rotate when auto reverse is pressed. is this a separate issue, electrical on top of mechanical ?
Sorry for the long winded introduction and problems but am just so excited and happy to have finally acquired some class " modern" HiFi.
now looking for some 8000 MK II speakers to complete the system (s).
Any help or advice most welcome.
Thanks in advance, appreciated.
hello Martin,
how can I check if this Kit fits with my recorder? or how do I check which version my rcorder is?
apparently two versions!!
I can supply correct belts for both drive versions used in Beocord 7000, and also new rubber tires and belt for the drawer.
I can't advice on belts sold by others, but I can tell you, that if the actual belt set sold is the one in the photo in that link,it will definitely not fit any of the two versions of Beocord 7000.
Hi Martin,
thanks a lot ! I would appreciate if you could send me the correct belts for my Beocord 7000 including rubber tires and belt for the drawer.
on my recorder it says: type 4941, Serial No. 09576590 EU 11 s/W 1.0
do you accept Paypal?
thanks and kindly regards
Joergen, you have email.
HI Martin,
Thanks for you help.
I finally managed to replace all 3 belts and my beocord 7000 is up and running again!
Hei Martin. Jeg kjøpte noen belter av deg for noen år siden. Men da jeg skulle montere på min Beocord 7000 var jeg uheldig og mistet transporten og plastarmen for opptrekk kapstan brakk slik at jeg ikke kan reparere. Har du plast delen, eller er det noen av de andre i samme serie, som 7000, som har samme type transport?
Birger i Norge