ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
After overhauling a tape deck in a lovely Beocenter 7700,I was rewarded with absolutely no functions when the deck was refitted,doh!
Oddly,when I disconnected the cable loom between the tape head's and the tape control pcb,and also the ground wire to the front deck securing screw,the mechanisim sprang to life and functioned well.
The clue as to where the problem lay,was that I could measure 15v between the tape mech chassis and main ground.
Ah ha!! you may say?
It transpired that the little sub board under the capstan,that carries the hall effect reel sensor,was fitted very slightly askew,and one leg of the device was touching chassis!!
The little pcb is adjustable for position of course for setting the operation of the sensor,and I seem to have set it incorrectly.
There is no excuse,as I have already been to S***saver's,and must now find something to collect my diminishing marbles in too?
Hope the above saves someone else some time though,and of course it applies with other units that use this deck such as the other 'centers in the series,and of course Beocord's 6000/8000/9000 etc
Nice detail!