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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beo 6 configuration help

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Bronze Member
ibisti Posted: Thu, Oct 31 2019 10:09 AM

Hi there Beopeople

 Thanks for adding me to the group Big Smile 

I love my Beo 6 remote and have acquired a couple of  spare ones from a friend who didnt get on with them but now I'm having trouble getting them programmed to use with my Beovision 11. The guys at my local dealer have tried but the program they have will only work on a laptop running windows 2000 and none of us have a laptop that old to  use. Are there any other options to get my new remotes programmed? 

Thanks in advance

Top 150 Contributor
Exeter, Devon, UK
Posts 692
Gold Member

Your local dealer should have access to the latest configuration tool for the Beo 6. It will work on Windows 10 and work with the Beo 6. Are they official B&O dealers? Because unless they are, they will struggle to get the correct configuration tool. 


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