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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


how to drive the center speaker of the sony af9 oled tv with beosystem 3

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Top 200 Contributor
Bolsward, NL
Posts 450
Gold Member
Johan Posted: Sun, Jan 5 2020 7:07 PM

Good evening all!

Currently I have an older LG plasma tv and just output the stereo sound to my 6500 system with 8000s. MasterLinked to BeoLink Active and 4000s in the kitchen and a BeoLab 3500 in the utility room. The BM6500 has an Airport Express at the phono input.

But I am tempted now to buy a Sony AF9 55" oled tv. I like that it can be put on a low table and has very clean looks. Now this tv has the possibility to drive its 'acoustic surface' speakers from an av receiver! But it needs a mono, and amplified signal.

In another thread I found inspiration to find myself an older BeoSystem 3 (affordable, MasterLink and composite for the old Wii) and go for a 3.0, maybe 3.1 surround sound with it. I would not use the BeoSystem 3 for video other than the menu and the Wii.

I googled a bit and think this could be done by leading the BeoSystem 3 center speaker PowerLink into a BeoLink Passive, set it to Mono and use one set of wire terminals to drive the Sony speaker.

Could you help me out a bit with this? 

Top 200 Contributor
Bolsward, NL
Posts 450
Gold Member
Johan replied on Sun, Jan 5 2020 7:21 PM

Here you can see the connection terminals of the AF9 tv.

I hope someone can comment my thoughts.

Thanks and regards,


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