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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Mid winter day

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Top 75 Contributor
The south of France and occasionally Dublin Ireland
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valve1 Posted: Fri, Dec 21 2012 6:29 AM

Need reports from the global community on what is the shortest day of the year.

Anyone in southern France, did the martians show up ?

Soren, (mexico) has the world ended ?

I am off to Newgrange and just hope the sun bothers to rise  :-0

Any other global events to day ?

Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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World ending report from the (near) center of the (Mayan) world.

Exactly at 24:00 hours, I heard explosions and saw blue and red flashing lights like from heaven, I was convinced the world was ending, but as took a look through the window it turned out to be some boys playing with fireworks and a patrol car hunting them.

The Mayan calender came to an end, end of the13th cycle, but we now start a new cycle, the 14th.

After the big scare I (as the only brave and calm person in our house) had to calm down everyone, even the birds was scared.

PS. I was alone at home.

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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badgersurf replied on Fri, Dec 21 2012 10:02 AM

It felt like the end of the world in our house last night!

I managed to pick up a BV5 for a good price, picked it up last night to replace my rather horrid 42" LG plasma. Put it in our living room (3m x 3.6m) and the wife went mad saying that it dominated the room, took up more space (actually takes up less space that the LG and the stand) and said it was the uglist TV she had ever seen.

She is still not talking to me and have been told that it will have to live in the garage until we build an extension next year!

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elephant replied on Fri, Dec 21 2012 10:05 AM


It felt like the end of the world in our house last night!

I managed to pick up a BV5 for a good price, picked it up last night to replace my rather horrid 42" LG plasma. Put it in our living room (3m x 3.6m) and the wife went mad saying that it dominated the room, took up more space (actually takes up less space that the LG and the stand) and said it was the uglist TV she had ever seen.

She is still not talking to me and have been told that it will have to live in the garage until we build an extension next year!


I feel for you ...

Mine just made me turn off Queen for Renata Tebaldi singing highlights of Madame Butterfly ... I am not talking to her Laughing

BeoNut since '75

Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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She is still not talking to me and have been told that it will have to live in the garage until we build an extension next year!

I like it when the FS stays quiet for a couple of days, last time I bought vintage she didn't talk to me for a week.Smile

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

Top 75 Contributor
The south of France and occasionally Dublin Ireland
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valve1 replied on Fri, Dec 21 2012 4:44 PM

Søren Mexico:
last time I bought vintage she didn't talk to me for a week.Smile

....the sound of silence !

Top 50 Contributor
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Evan replied on Fri, Dec 21 2012 6:44 PM

I was listening to the police/fire scanner last night while at home and it did sound like the apocalypse was happening all around me! People were going crazy!!

Beo4 'til I die!

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Puncher replied on Fri, Dec 21 2012 7:44 PM


It felt like the end of the world in our house last night!

I managed to pick up a BV5 for a good price, picked it up last night to replace my rather horrid 42" LG plasma. Put it in our living room (3m x 3.6m) and the wife went mad saying that it dominated the room, took up more space (actually takes up less space that the LG and the stand) and said it was the uglist TV she had ever seen.

She is still not talking to me and have been told that it will have to live in the garage until we build an extension next year!

You need to work on your method - the trick is a constant drip feed of small snippets of information, building up a very positve subconcious view over a period of time. When stood before the whatever in real life she will think she's chosen it!!!

Ban boring signatures!

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Khao Phing Kan
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She is still not talking to me and have been told that it will have to live in the garage until we build an extension next year!

I wish I could get mine to live in the garage.

Lee, you have any spare BV5's?

  • One B&o bottle opener
  • One fancy gun
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SWISS_2 replied on Sat, Dec 22 2012 4:22 AM

I was going to pack everything on the final boat, but couldn't fit the Beolabs onboard.

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