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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoVision 5 retrofit question

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Houston, TX
Posts 10
Silver Member
Rubberdown Posted: Thu, Jan 30 2020 3:13 PM

Hey there,

     Am retrofitting my beovision 5 with a new sony 4k panel.  Have that done, but am trying to figure out the audio portion.  I am going to remove the internal video switching, but would like to use the existing amplifier board as it has the crossover and everything built in.  I intend to just put the input to the amplifier to the rear and use my marantz reciever preamp output to drive the speakers as a center channel.  So I have two questions.


1.  In looking at the prints it seems that the audio signal into the amp board is line level.  Is that correct?  It looks like the mute signal can be left open and that wont be an issue.

2.  Has anyone done anything with the motorized stand?  Looking at getting that going with a rasberry pi and an IR receiver, but not sure what all the signals end up being.  I want to be lazy so just checking if anyone has done anything with this before I re-invent the wheel.



Not Ranked
Houston, TX
Posts 10
Silver Member

Well... I ordered relays and the various power supplies I will need. I’m going to leave the stand control for a later date. I’m just snowed under with the kiddo right now, not a lot of extra time to invest. I retrofit the AC input for use in my application, screen is mounted, powered up, and looks amazing. Super happy with how it turned out.

I'm also excited about trying to use the original IR sensor complete with the status lights. Hopefully it all goes well. My wife is getting tired of me buying random 10 dollar parts each day.


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