ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hey there,
I need some help regarding my Beocenter 7700. I had guests over who were using it and somehow the stylus seems to be a bit askew. Has anyone had this issue before? Any odeas on how to fix it?
poc attached.
Maybe the best of the B&O music centres, lovely!
Your poc seems not to have uploaded.
But you describe a common problem. Is the stylus still original? Has the sound in one or both channels changed? The MMC cartridge suspension degrades with age. They may even break with normal use now. They can be repaired, for example at, but only by a specialist. This is the most authentic solution. The company soundsmith produces new cartridges, sound is more modern so not completely true to the original b&o sound design.
I will try uploading it again. I don't think the issue is with the stylus. It is not original but I recently purchased a used one and I have not had any problems with it. What's strange is the arm seems to be almost bent to the side and I get no sound as the stylus does not touch the grooves. The black square at the back where the cantilever is seems loose but I'm not sure if this is an issue.
Wow, your guest have not been gentle!
The word stylus is for the tip of the cardridge. In this case the entire arm has rotated or bent around its axis (assuming the pivot point, where the arm swings and goes up and down, has not been bent) or the the cardridge attachment has been rotated.
If you look under the arm you can see if the arm is bent or wrung around. the fold down there should be straight and down in the middle. Maybe just a case of gently rotating the cardridge attachment or the arm back?