ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi there,
Currently I am looking to expand my masterlink installation with a BeoLink Active / two additional BeoLabs and I am wondering how many "active devices" are allowed / possible in a single installation.
Currently a BeoSound9000 provides CD / Radio / iTunes respectively DLNA
All that is provided into different rooms
living room BeoVision 6 / BeoLabs
kitchen BeoLab 2000
master bedroom BeoLab 3500.
The BeoLink Active is supposed to be somewhere ( BV and Kitchen ) in between the line.
Unfortunately I have only found the total masterlink cable lengths which seems so be allowed no longer than 1300 feet.
Thank you in advance,
BS9000, BC6, BC2, BL3, BL11, BL3500, BL2000, BeoTime, Beo EarSet2 3i, Beo, BEO DropStop, BEO Bottle Opener, BeoCom5 including Table Stand, ATV
Christmas Prize Draw 1st Winner 2010 - THANKS A LOT!!!
Struer Trip 2012 - THANKS A LOT!!!
Hi Lars,
400m maximum length for all masterlink cables and maximum of 16 links according to the information here on beotech site
So with your existing and planned equipment everything should be okay.
Lars: ... I am wondering how many "active devices" are allowed / possible in a single installation.
16 hard-wired units - no matter if they are Audio / Video / Link products or a ML-Gateway.If you're using BeoLink wireless only the transmitter(s) is(are) accounted for the limit of 16 units - wireless receivers in link-rooms are disregarded. If you setup is larger than 16 units using BeoLink wireless instead of ML cableto connect some link rooms may help.
In a ML-setup you can have a maximum of 3 wireless transmitters.Each transmitter can handle up to 7 to wireless receivers.Using a "mixed" wired / wireless setup you can theoretically have up to 34 units in a ML System.
16 ML wired ML connections -3 ML wired ML connections needed for 3 tranmitters +21 wireless ML connections from 3*7 = 21 receivers
BeoNut since '75
Lars:How are things going?! I hope that you are not effected by the wild fires which are going around in Australia right now.
Thank you for asking --- all our loved ones and friends are safe.
So far only homes, sheds, factories, police stations, schools and crops have been lost - no lives.
Many people have had very lucky escapes - sheltering in the sea while forests burned along the beaches.
I suspect one town - which lost the sawmill that employed 30% of the people - may never recover financially and not have the resources to rebuild.
Reminds us that Australia is a harsh dry land whose flora have evolved to live off regular cycles of bush fires . . . . .
But nothing has yet been as bad as February 2009 which was to the north of the city where we live
Hi Elephant,
Sounds good to me. Please keep on watching out!
I am crossing fingers!
Lars: Hi Elephant, Sounds good to me. Please keep on watching out! I am crossing fingers! Lars
Thanks ! So are we .... crazy weather all around the country ..... cold front moving in across the fires in New South Wales, and the temps dropped by 15C in half an hour !
Sorry to change the flow of the thread but I just noticed your question about the junction boxes that I sell on my website. I sell the genuine B&O Masterlink junction boxes, so these are the same as the ones available in B&O stores. They are colour coded and include a wiring chart and fitting tool, so that you can fit them in approx. 15-20 minutes without any special tools or experience.
If you need any further help, please feel free to ask.
Kind regards, Steve.
Founder of Sounds Heavenly Cables and Brand Ambassador for Bang & Olufsen
Sounds Heavenly are proud to sponsor BeoWorld!
Please check out my YouTube channel at
Hi Steve,
No worries at all and thank you very much for the explanation.
It is just that the technical staff which installed my current installation soldered the masterlink at the junctions instead of using the little boxes. Soldering is fine for me but I am going to expand and change the installation over time. As we all do I guess.
I like the idea of the boxes a lot as I am moving into another house shortly and even in the house I would need to expand the installation over time.
Due to some heavy business travel over the course of the next 3 weeks ( Las Vegas, Vienna, Madrid, London ) I ll not be able to pick up the delivery at the post office because of that I ll place the order after my return. But please keep 4 of them ;-)
Thanks again and have a nice evening.
No problem, I will keep these ready for you on your return. Enjoy your travels and I look forward to speaking to you when you get back!
Lars:It is just that the technical staff which installed my current installation soldered the masterlink at the junctions ...
... let's hope they did not forget to solder a "jumper wire" between "white-blue" and "pink" ...
In an original Juncton-Box pin 3 "white-blue" (ML Sense) and pin 12 "pink" (Vml) are internally connected.
Hehe, honestly I do not know, but I guess so because the installation works fine.