ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Dear all,
I am looking into an optimization of my setup that involves a modification of my beloved beolab 18.I would like to bypass the internal DSP feeding the amps directly with an optimized signal (active XO/FIR filters through a multichannel DAC with pre amp).Therefore I would need some assistance on how to disassemble the lower black plastics cover of the speaker that covers the electronics. I already removed all screws from the front side but it is still fixed somehow.
Does somebody maybe have access to the respective service manual? Any help is highly appreciated.Thank you so much for your assistance.Cheers,Markus
"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"
No, I don't.
I will use Acourate room correction software to generate FIR filters. The filters will take care of any potential correction for each chassis.
I know that most of you will be sceptic about my plans...
I'd still appreciate any kind of help on my question.
Deleted - duplicate
Thanks a lot for your repyl, Pat.
Could you elaborate a little more please?
How is the cone fixed to the cylinder? Does it feature a screw thread or is it fixed with single screws? What is the best way to fix the cylinder/cone for removal to not scratch the surface?