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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 5000 problems

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This post has 11 Replies | 1 Follower

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Oleros Posted: Thu, May 28 2020 6:16 AM

I recently bought a Beomaster 3000, Beogram 5000 and Beovox 6000. I have two problems with the Beogram : When starting a record the arm hits it too far out, hopefully this is something that can be adjusted? The other issue is that it makes a pretty loud clicking sound while spinning which is very audible at low volumes. I opened up the plate and checked the transport screws and took a visual but it looks fine, also the band. I have a 34 mb mp4 video showing this but the forum refuses to display the link and for me to upload (apparently too big file). 

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Thu, May 28 2020 6:37 AM

Beovox 6000?
Are they RL6000?

Beogram: The set-down point can be adjusted. Refer to the servicemenual for the correct procedure and setting.
The clicking sound could come from the motor itself. Take off the belt and see if the sound is still there when the motor is the only running thing.


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Oleros replied on Fri, May 29 2020 5:07 PM

Hi yes Beovox6000 RL, except no red line any longer, silver.. I don't have the service manual, is there an online link? Also I have never tried to fix a record player before and I hear B&O ones are very fragile so a bit sceptical to break something, is this operation also described in the service manual? 

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Sat, May 30 2020 6:04 AM

The service manual can be downloaded from our main website products section at a small fee.
Servicemanuals will generally tell you how things are built. Schematics and parts guides and perhaps a couple of tricks about opening and closing etc.
It will not tell you how to repair the unit. That's a job for a trained tech guy.
Having said that, many DIY'ers can repair things, and so can you if you have some DIY-skills and perhaps a little guiding from this forum.


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Oleros replied on Mon, Jun 1 2020 3:52 PM

Thank you Martin will download and happily pay the small fee. Medium + in handyness but no xp with LP players or micro electronics in general. Might call out for some help🙂 BTW, what is the best way to upload videos? Mine was rejected but I found no guidelines 

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Mon, Jun 1 2020 4:05 PM

Upload it somewhere else and place a link here.


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Oleros replied on Thu, Jun 4 2020 1:11 PM

So I purchased the membership and Beogram5000 manuals. The easiest fix should be adjusting the tone arm so it hits the record at the first track. However I can't find anything specific about it in the "adjustments" section, is it "pickup arm lowering/raising" ? 



Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Thu, Jun 4 2020 3:55 PM

I can't see the video. It seems to just load forever.
Page 5-3 in the servicemanual "PIck-up arm touch-down" describes the correct settings of the two excentrics.


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Oleros replied on Thu, Jun 4 2020 8:01 PM

This really makes no sense to me. I have watched youtube videos for adjusting  the pickup touch down but the record players there have a very different construction. 

How do I balance the tone arm when it does not rest on a pin? It does not move out of its position and I dont want to use force. ? 

The manual describe eccentric K, N, P, R but the images are hard to interpret - are those screws? do I have to remove some panels or lids first? 

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Texas, United States
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sonavor replied on Thu, Jun 4 2020 11:37 PM

I would probably remove the belt so the platter doesn't turn. Then put a tracking force scale on the platter (or if it is too high...remove the platter). You will have to put something on the center hub switch so the Beogram thinks there is a record to play.

Then use the play button so the Beogram will place the tonearm onto the (empty) platter and onto the scale.

For the set down point adjustments the manual shows the positions K, N, P, R. There are slots in those tubes for turning them if I remember correctly.


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Oleros replied on Tue, Jul 7 2020 5:50 PM

If the clicking sound requires special tools like a tracking force scale it's probably out of my league..Hopefully it's not high enough to drive me mad :)

So I'll focus in the pick up arm touchdown problem where the arm hits the record a few mm to far out, i.e on the blank part of the record. The manual simply says
"Adjust the eccentric N until correct 30 cm touch down point."

"Adjust with arm P until correct 17 cm touch down point the eccentric N until correct 30 cm touch down point."

  • Is eccentric N the small screw behind the tone arm? See picture
  • Are these settings fully separate? So since I won't be playing 17cm records I can just leave it as it is? 



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Oleros replied on Wed, Jul 8 2020 8:09 PM

Any help on this? I would rather not do trial and error based on how fragile I'm told this thing is. Is the tiny screw behind the tone arm base the eccentric N? The whole damn thing is eccentric..

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