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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beolink Gateway not visible in BeoLiving app (only on android)

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Bronze Member
Congame Posted: Wed, Jun 3 2020 2:05 PM



I have been working with mlgw, blgw since the birth of mlgw through my job as an B&O technician.

Yesterday I was helping out a friend to get his android devices running again…

I have been away from the business for a couple of years now only discover that the Beolink is no more, so I have been trying to get the Beoliving App to work but without any lucky whatsoever.

The Beoliving app doesn’t see the blgw on the network and I have tried with 6 different android devices, but when trying with my iPhone on Beoliving app it finds it right away.

 So whats the issue with androind version over the osx one?


Best Regards


Top 200 Contributor
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Gold Member
Griebel replied on Thu, Jun 4 2020 8:38 AM
You need the BeoLiving Intelligence device (an updated version of BLGW) to use the App.
Top 150 Contributor
Posts 742


I have been working with mlgw, blgw since the birth of mlgw through my job as an B&O technician.

Yesterday I was helping out a friend to get his android devices running again…

I have been away from the business for a couple of years now only discover that the Beolink is no more, so I have been trying to get the Beoliving App to work but without any lucky whatsoever.

The Beoliving app doesn’t see the blgw on the network and I have tried with 6 different android devices, but when trying with my iPhone on Beoliving app it finds it right away.

So whats the issue with androind version over the osx one?

Best Regards


Hi Soren,

To configure the BLGW you can use its web interface.

To use it I think you need the “BeoLink 2” app, but I only have iOS, not Android, so I don’t know if it’s available on the Android store.

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