ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I would just know if the HDR1 is compatible with the Beovision 8 32
Thanks for your Help
Zazouzt: I would just know if the HDR1 is compatible with the Beovision 8 32
Yes, it will. It will be recognized as VMem in the menu. Use a decent fully wired scartcable for communication between BV8 and HDR1. Take off the power from the BV8. During startup the BV8 will recognize the HDR1 and send the frequencies from the analogue channels down to the HDR1. If that's needed.
Yes via the Scart Socket, Choose V.Mem in Setup
Thanks, but when i do VMem with remote, i have a blue screen but nothing else.
Best regards
You may need to go into the TV's CONNECTIONS menu and make sure that the chosen SCART socket (AV1 or AV2) is setup as V.MEM.
i did it on AV4, the only one where i found VMem. On the other items, i have'nt VMem
But it doesn't work.
we had this setup some years ago and it worked with a HDR2 connected to AV4.
You should try to disconnect the scart cable first. Then disconnect the TV from the power outlet, wait about 30 secs, then reconnect it to the power. Now check that the AV4 shows _no_ device.
Now disconnect the TV from the power again, wait 30 secs, and now connect the scart cable between the HDR1 and AV4. Next step should be to connect power to the TV, but let it alone for a minute. now connect the HDR1 to the power and wait again some seconds.
Now the BV 8-32 should recognize the HDR1 and dowmload the analogue tuner settings to the HDR1, but give it some time to do so.
After maybe a minute activate the BV and check the connection settings on AV4. It shold show the HDR1 as VMEM. Activating VMEM now should give you the HDR picture.
Many thanks for your answers.
I had not to do this, as i found the HDR1 setup pdf
I have a Beocord 7000, and i installed as they say in Setup 1 in the HDR1 setup pdf, an so it works.
Best Regards