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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Audio problems with BeoVision 8-40

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Top 500 Contributor
Odense, Denmark
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Beoberg Posted: Fri, Jan 18 2013 11:18 AM

Hi fellers

I am a bit disapointed by the audio performance of my Vision 8-40. I have connected two BeoLab 9's to the TV running speaker mode 3. I just don't find the audio performance for movies that satisfying. When listening to music the Lab 9's are phenomenal, but for movies they do not impress me compared to my previous Lab 3's + Lab 11.

I have a Harman/Kardon BDS2 Blu-Ray player hooked up to the TV capable of delivering all the HD audio formats, but when I go to the soundsystem setting on the television it shows that the audio only is outputtet in "Dolby Pro Logic II Movie". Is the BeoVision 8-40 not capable of decoding DTS? It should be able to output DTS, right?

Any help would be apreciated Smile

BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)

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Raeuber replied on Fri, Jan 18 2013 11:36 AM
Hi Frederik,

all Beovisions are not able to decode HD audio formats. Therefore you have to realize that your Harman/Kardon bluray player decodes these audio formats. So check the settings of your bluray player for the audio output.

The sound quality uf outputted "Dolby ProLogic II Movie" of your BV 8-40 is awful, no doubt!


Top 500 Contributor
Odense, Denmark
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Beoberg replied on Fri, Jan 18 2013 12:37 PM

Hi Räuber,

Thanks for the reply. I have a Philips BDP-2900 aswell and when I connect this player the same audio output is chosen by the TV i.e. Dolby Pro Logic II Sad

I have tried everything in the settings on the two Blu-Ray players. No matter what the TV outputs DPL II.

Turning on my Xbox 360. Here the output is Dobly Digital 5.1. What the heck is wrong the the input from the Blu-Ray players Huh?

Kind regards,


BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)

Top 500 Contributor
Odense, Denmark
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Beoberg replied on Fri, Jan 18 2013 1:30 PM

Yay, I got it working. I have no idea what did the trick but now it says: Input: Dolby Digital 5.1, Output: Dolby Digital speaker mode 3 from the H/K player Stick out tongue

BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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My advice:

Always let the BR-player do the decoding!

Choose output in PCM (LPCM) in the audiosettings of the player.

(And always choose the HD-track or the PCM-track on the disc).

Philips-player: userguide page 13 - but not very well described.

The Harman... Is some kind of receiver - I would not use that for playing BR's on the BV8-40.

Besides it should be easy to get a puc-code for the Philips, which makes it possible to control it via Beo4.

Greetings Millemissen

There is a tv - and there is a BV

Top 500 Contributor
Odense, Denmark
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Beoberg replied on Fri, Jan 18 2013 6:55 PM

Hej Millemissen,

Jeg skriver lige på dansk. Kender dig fra Hifi4All Smile

Hvad er der i vejen med Harman-afspilleren? Jeg købte den, fordi den bl.a. har DTS-MasterAudio support som Philips-afspilleren ikke har.

Det er rigtigt, at den har indbygget forstærker, men det skulle vel ikke gøre den dårligere? Jeg har sat den til at sende lyden med PCM gennem HDMI-kablet til BV 8-40. Så den ignorerer egentlig sin forstærker og sender bare lyd/billede-signaler videre til fjernsynet. Er det helt skidt?

Fortæl endelig hvad du tænker. Jeg er ikke så kyndig på dette punkt Smile

Mvh. Frederik

BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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Sorry guys - I'll have to answer this question in danish.

Hej Frederik,

det var nok mest fra det synspunkt, at den vel er bøvlet at betjene..

...og at man ville kunne betjene Philips'en via puc med Beo4.

Har man først prøvet dette, går man aldrig tilbage til en 3-parts remote.

Uden at vide det nøjagtigt - jeg tror heller ikke at DAC'en er så god i Harmanden.

Det er jo netop et spørgsmål om dennes kvalitet, når man bruger den til at decodere.

Egentlig bør man vælge en OPPO 103 (eller tisvarende) - dér ved man, hvad man har.

Og den har en perfekt videoscaler også.

Hilsen Millemissen

There is a tv - and there is a BV

Top 500 Contributor
Odense, Denmark
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Beoberg replied on Sat, Jan 19 2013 7:47 AM

Hej Millemissen,

Tak for svar. Jeg har egentlig ikke det store problem i at betjene H/K med dens tilhørende fjernbetjening.

Jeg havde også kigget på Oppo og Onkyo, men jeg synes simpelthen det er for mange penge at give for en afspiller, og så er den også for stor til at passe i "hullet" på mit TV-møbel, som kun er ca. 40 cm bredt.

Men hvis det kommer an på det spørgsmål, om den lige passer her eller dér, tror jeg alligevel ikke at jeg kvalificerer mig til at værdsætte en så avanceret afspiller som en Oppo'en nok er Smile

Hilsen Frederik

BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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@Frederik Fint nok - bare du sætter afspilleren til at afkode og sende som PCM.

God fornjelse med at se/høre Bluray-film.

Ses på Hifi4All Stick out tongue

Hilsen MM

There is a tv - and there is a BV

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