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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B&O Beogram 5005 (problem: low sound output)

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Pablo_Sevilla Posted: Mon, Oct 26 2020 6:21 AM


I recently got a beautiful B&O Beogram 5005 and I am looking forward to learn about it and eventually repair it. I am a bit lost though, I need a place to start and was hoping to find some guidance.

I have calibrated the cartridge pressure and platter orientation. The problem I perceive is with the output sound, its way too low. I need max volume in the receiver to be able to hear it (please check the video below). The sound is not perfectly clear either, but the vinyl is new.

I can do most repair that require basic tooling, like changing capacitors, resoldering, ...

Thank you for reading

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jesperb replied on Mon, Oct 26 2020 8:22 AM

Hi Pablo,

Congratulations on your Beogram 5005. It's a great looking unit.

I think you may need an RIAA amplifier between your Beogram 5005 and your amplifier.
Beogram 5005 does not have a RIAA built in. This includes my own.

Beogram TX, Beovox S45, Beovox MC 120.2, BeoSound 1, CX50, Beovox S75, Beomaster 2400, Beomaster 5000, Beogram 5005

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Dillen replied on Mon, Oct 26 2020 11:33 AM



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Jesperb, Martin, thank you for your reply.

I got a friend's receiver with phono input to test my unit.

Here you can see that his system works well:

But when I try with my 5005 and the same vinyl, the sound is quieter and very noisy. Do I need a new cartridge? or could it be something else?

Thank you

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sonavor replied on Thu, Oct 29 2020 5:53 AM

Hi Pablo,

Make sure the tracking force is set to at least 1.2 grams. It kind of sounds like the MMC4 is not seating into the record groove. I have had that happen once in a while. Try some different records (after setting the tracking force). If it is in the groove and sounds like that then the cartridge is faulty. The cartridges can be rebuilt though. 


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Hi Sonavor, thank you for the suggestions.

I set the force properly and tried different records, so yes, it might be the cartridge. I did not use an external force measuring sensor, I just place the lever in the right mark. I guess that's calibrated and its trustable. However, given that I do not know the previous history of the Beogram, maybe I should consider using an external sensor to actually measure it?


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sonavor replied on Thu, Oct 29 2020 8:51 PM

Yes, please use a separate tracking force measuring device. Something like this will do.
It is likely the MMC cartridge though. How does the stylus look when it is lowered on the record? Does the MMC4 cantilever look like it is collapsed?


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It looks perfect to me. I can see the tip and on the tip the little tiny piece sticking out. All straight. Let me try to get a picture of it.

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It looks perfect to me. I can see the tip and on the tip the little tiny piece sticking out. All straight. Let me try to get a picture of it


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Texas, United States
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sonavor replied on Fri, Oct 30 2020 8:16 PM

Yes, it looks good from the outside. But the MMC4 cartridge is still the most likely cause of the problem if the tracking force setting on the Beogram is calibrated and set.


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