ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Is it ok to have a question which NOT about B&O inside this forum?
I recenly become the owner of 2 pcs. Arena T 9000 a wellknown danish topreceiver from 1969 and is in need for any technical materials for them.
If not then excuse me asking.
Br, Leif
You are welcome to ask, but you may not get many answers as clearly there are not many souls who will know anything about this. have you tried the classic radio sites?
I was working in the Arena TV factory, back in 1964, summer job, I loaded and transported frames with 12 piece finished TV innards from the 2nd floor to the loading dock, from there the TVs went by truck (lorry) to the carpenter shop, some 500 meters away, and were then put into the pre finished wood covers.
You may try Horsens Technical Museum, they are at the moment updating the Hede Nielsen story, and they must have a lot of Arena info.
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Check this
Søren Mexico: I was working in the Arena TV factory, back in 1964, summer job, I loaded and transported frames with 12 piece finished TV innards from the 2nd floor to the loading dock, from there the TVs went by truck (lorry) to the carpenter shop, some 500 meters away, and were then put into the pre finished wood covers. You may try Horsens Technical Museum, they are at the moment updating the Hede Nielsen story, and they must have a lot of Arena info.
Has this anything to do with Fabrikken 3-F? Or Tungsram radio fabrikken?
I have reciever what says Dansk HiFi T-3535. It is made in Horsens
blah-blah and photographs as needed
Yes. Orginal the radios were called Herofon from the beginning in 1920-30s, then became Arena.
After a allthing destroying fire in 1970 ( that's why only 75 pcs. T9000 came on market), the factory was rebuild with british Rank Bush Murphy as a financial partner (own 80%). The products were named Rank Arena.
A couple of years afterwards a crisis occurs and the employees made the new company 3F,
which only last another two years or so.
Last to use the name Arena was then Rank Bush.
And yes, 3F also made the Tungsram - a sofisticated black one with red leds and touch.
All as far as I remember.
Yes, now it came back to me, except for the Tungsram it was hidden in the back of my old brain, I left Horsens 1966 and was back for a short time 1975-6
Leif are you from Horsens ??
DaneLeif: Yes. Orginal the radios were called Herofon from the beginning in 1920-30s, then became Arena. After a allthing destroying fire in 1970 ( that's why only 75 pcs. T9000 came on market), the factory was rebuild with british Rank Bush Murphy as a financial partner (own 80%). The products were named Rank Arena. A couple of years afterwards a crisis occurs and the employees made the new company 3F, which only last another two years or so. Last to use the name Arena was then Rank Bush. And yes, 3F also made the Tungsram - a sofisticated black one with red leds and touch. All as far as I remember.
Thanks, most intresting.
I have a "sofisticated black one with red leds and touch", but it doesn't say anything about Tungsram. Only "Dansk HiFi on front and "Fabrikken 3F model 3535" on back, so it is possibly from employees company era.
Fund this:
A while down is photos of the Tungsram
@Mexican: Sorry not from Horsens - from the westcoast island Fanø.
But as I allways have interest in electronics and radios I started education as radiomechanist in 1970 in Herning (hard time to find those places, I have to move), I listen to what happens in the radio world, and funny how things now get trigged and come to mind.
I guess whats my kids says is the 20-20 age: Remembering all before the last 20 years and all within the last 20 minuttes, but nothing between;-)
I think I would shape my memory and go to Horsens to see the Arena exhibition - it's only 45km. Been living in Brande between Herning and Vejle for the last 32 years.
DaneLeif: Fund this: A while down is photos of the Tungsram
Yes, just like that, execpt logodown right corner, mine says "Dansk HiFi"
Yes, the latest from production at all in Horsens were called "Dansk Hifi" due to the fact that Tungsram took over in 1976 from 3-F and kept production until 1979 where everything were closed down. Nearly the same time a fire broke out and destroy the old company which still was in bike production. So all what is left from the succesful ? story is the original name Hede Nielsen, which still is a heavy producer of liquid technical gas - could it be named that way? - CO2, Argon, Oxygen and similar for welding, medical purpose e.g. And Tungsram was about 120 years ago a part of US General Electric.
Well I guess we come to an end of this tread - and I still missed everything technical infomation about the T9000, but anyway we ( I had indeed) had a wellspend time herewith.
Chears, Leif
Thank you Leif for sharing your knowledge from Horsens radio. Unfortunate that you didn't find what you were looking for...
DaneLeif:Well I guess we come to an end of this tread - and I still missed everything technical infomation about the T9000, but anyway we ( I had indeed) had a wellspend time herewith
Well Leif, dont go away, buy some vintage B&O to play with, an experienced Radio man is always welcome here, and as you have seen, we like discussions and anything about vintage. And come back with with news about your Arena.
Sure I'm not leaving you guys. And I allready have a lot of B&O on the cellar - for the time I missed the amount, maybe 200-300pcs. I'm going to build my own small private collection / museum. Only ( mostly) with the slide pot.meter type from the BM 1200 to BM4400 and as many different models inbetween. Mostly because I also include the BM 6000 quadro system, the heavy duty BM 6000 & BM 8000 - all including time like BeoVox, BeoGram and BeoCord reel to reel and the BeoCord 5000 in BM 6000 quadro style. And whatever comes to my mind. E.g 2 pcs. Arena T9000
I think I'm allready have them on my cellar, but sure missing some of the Beocenters alike. I soon as I figure out to attach photos I''ll let you get the picture of it as it is for now.
I'll be back.Rgs, Leif
Well soometime things happen allmost to fast to belive: I visit the museum in Horsens - thanks Mexico for that hint - looks the exhibition - but no one technicians there at the time.Back home I got an idea and wrote some emails to the old electronic company in Horsens area as I remember from the past asking for contacts to old Arena employees, but with no luck. Then trying the usenet groups and what happens: A gentleman from the museum entered the tread, saying he would go through the archive and see what's left regarding my wish. First a user guide shows up with diagram, followed by an 8 pages description from the old danish electronic manufactorer association, Rateksa.
And then yesterday the seeked service manual was in the inbox. Again my new friend from museumsurprise me: An original description and service manual with initials from the constructor Herman Høedholt personal archive left over to the museum after his dead few years ago.
And at least a contact to an old technician who has the Arena collection in Denmark - looking very much to visit him soon.
So I think I will be going very well for the restauration now.
And off course I will be happy to share my received infomation with everyone else asking.
Thanks for following this tread here.
By the way newly owner of an ELTRA 1515 with the compas rose: The first receiver I ever lay hands on in my education time. Some of you will reconize the damage at the front from the inside placed screw. Allmost anyone who didn't read the service bulletin damage the front panel which then must be changed free of cost.
Thats good news Leif, to post pics, get photobucket or similar, you can then upload pics to there, and then copy the direct links, and insert here. Just click the filmstrip and then URL and paste the link.
We are certainly interested to hear about your collection, and see the pics, also your Arena items are interesting, as are all vintage audio equipment for us in the vintage forum.