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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BLI & Alexa - cannot select B&O speaker as default

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JensHauge Posted: Sun, Nov 8 2020 8:47 PM

Hi, I use BLI wtih Alexa, but in the Alexa app, I cannot select my B&0 Speakers as default for the Group (e.g. kitchen). The speak do show as speaker under devises, but we I select the "SPEAKERS" for the group (green circle) i only see my Denon HEos Speaker and non of my B& Speakers. 

any hits??

I <

Top 200 Contributor
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Bronze Member
chucky replied on Fri, Feb 26 2021 9:21 PM

Hi, I use BLI wtih Alexa, but in the Alexa app, I cannot select my B&0 Speakers as default for the Group (e.g. kitchen). The speak do show as speaker under devises, but we I select the "SPEAKERS" for the group (green circle) i only see my Denon HEos Speaker and non of my B& Speakers.

any hits??

I <

I hate Alexa as she is not flexible. I have programmed scenes for every bs core in the house and start on TUNEIN volume 30. Backside is you can only turn it on, upside she at least understands you and you can give it any name you want.

I have a bs4 in my office and one bs core as master for other beovisions so I programmed a scene Alexa turn on office core and it starts playing. i use a flic button as well to turn it on but uses IFTTT and I am now trying to kill it as it is not reliable and moving to HA.
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