ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello new friends, i'm very excited to join the B&O club, i'm the proud owner (on paper anyway.. hurry...) of a Beovision 11 55".
I'm a geek to the core, and would love to read as much as i can find in advance of the arrival of the machine, aside from the review; where should i go? i'm especially keen to learn about connectivity; i'm going to pair it with an Oppo 103 (perhaps 105) Blue Ray player, specifically for it's video pre-processing of NYC Time Warner Cable (which needs all the help it can get..) and the PCU for Cable and Apple TV.
Any pointers greatly appreciated..
Download and read Technical Sound Guide. Takes you through every line of the sound setup menu.
Read through KMA's thread here:
Lots of good comments and tips
A BV11-55 and the OPPO = a perfect match.
You don't need the 105 since it will be connected via HDMI - the 103 will do the trick
Greetings Millemissen
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Beovision 12 65, Beovision 11 55 Mk II, Beoplay V1 40, Beosound 5 Encore, Beolab 9,beolab 18, Beolab 19, Beoplay A8, Beoplay A9
correcting the above post - or rather adding the missing details
ptbb: Oppo 103 Oppo 105
detailed specs follow the page 2s
BeoNut since '75
Hello Neilki,
I also live in NYC. I bought the BV11 + Oppo 103. It will be delivered in February. I'm trying to find out as much as possible in advance. My geek side is limited to consumer video displays and components aka videophile.
I'm hoping the automatic noise reduction and edge enhancement of the BV11 will be the equal or superior to the Qudeo in the 103 making it redundant for TimeWarner cable. Home Theater mag. says the Oppo is "not family friendly". Fortunately, my wife is enthusiastic about Picture Quality, but not about going into menus. I posted these type of processor questions on flatpanelshd forum.
KMA's posts on the BV11 video controls are the most comprehensive I've seen and played an important part in my decision to buy. Thank you KMA. I've been unable to find any comprehensive info on the B&O website for video adjustments.
I'm also researching connecting non HDMI components. The U.S. version of BV11 has one analogue 9 pin DIN socket input. There is no onboard Over The Air tuner (or built in recording capability). I may swap my TW cable box for a Tivo model that has a internal OTA tuner. Picture and Picture mode requires a non HDMI source according to the B&O manual.
AVS forum has extensive posting by videophiles far better informed on the Oppo 103/5 than I am. When the new Oppo first came out most of the postings were concerned with the media player capabilities and the audiophile grade DAC's in the 105. There was very little about the process of tweaking the processor settings for external sources. That applies to the professional reviews I've read as well. Everyone agrees the external processing is excellent. WideScreen Review has an otherwise very detailed article. WSR rates the 103/5 as just below the industry reference, Lumagen.
That's all I know at present. I also would appreciate any advice members could give. For example, what's the best method to clean the glass and bezel? Has anyone experimented with the various YCbCr setting and RGB bluray output?