ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi Beoworlders,
The time has come for me to part with my beloved BeoVision 8-40. The problem is.... I can not descide which TV that shall replace it.
I have always dreamt of owning a BV7 as I think it is the most iconic TV in the whole lineup. The MKIV with the blu-ray seems to be the perfect match for me both designwise and perfomance wise. I have been offered the MKIV version with blu-ray and BL7.2 or 7.4 at 4600£.
HOWEVER, all this fuzz about the BV11 has brought me in doubt. The BV11-40 with stand and NL/ML converter (need the TV for ML connection) is around 6000£.
Is the difference worth it? I will never use the Smart TV function, but I like the idea of making separate audio settings for movies/music etc.
The TV will be paired with BS3000 and BL9's
What do you guys think?
BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)
why not go for a demo 10-40 or better 10-46? All dealers try to get rid of the BV10 because the need the space for the new BV11. If you are lucky (check ebay Germany for reference), you can grab a BV10-40 demo for round 3k or a BV10-46 for round 4,5-5k (EURO). And the BV10 has MASTERLINK! Only a suggestion, because you said you do not need the smart-TV. I bought a BV10-46 last Nov. and together with my BL9 + BL4000 it is a nice setup.
LOEWE bild 5.55 OLED + AppleTV; BS4; BL9; BL8000 MKII all black
Great idea Hotknife - if it was me I'd have a look around for a pre-used BV10-40 - it's still one of my all time favourites and there would be no need to mess around with the expensive ML converter.
Hi guys,
I considered the BV 10-40/46 aswell. But I am afraid it will not be that big step up in regards og picture quality over the BV8-40. What is your experience, hotnife? You used to have 8-40, right?
Frederik, visual effect designwise BV10-46 vs. BV8-40 the BV10-46 is a killer (please check link) sceen The 8-40 was a 100hz version. The BV10-46 is a 200hz version with 3 HDMI-sockets from 2012. No doubt the BV8-40 had a good picture, I would rate my BV10-46 20-25% above the BV8-40. Do not buy any BV10 without antireflection screen. Even with the antireflection screen I have problems (I did not had any reflection problems with the 8-40, but the 8-40 does not have any sheet of glass). There is no clouding, and fast movements (soccer, tennis) are better. sound The sound of the 8-40 is much much better than the 10-40/46. But if you are able (you have a pair of BL9 like me) to use the BV10 as center speaker it is o.k.. But again, the 8-40 was better ( I would say 30%). Certainly a setup like 7-40 with BL7/10 is a killer soundwise, but I do not want such a big telly with speaker in my living room. I`m satisfied with the speakersetup. I have phoned B&O and they told me, regarding dolby surround, there is only a very small improvement with the BV11 (you will use your BL9). If you use the BV11 without any add. speakers, the BV11 is much better. For me the change from 8-40 to 10-46 was perfect. Sold the 3 years old BV8-40 for €1900 and bought the demo 10-46 black with stand for €5000 inkl. the 3 year warranty. Attached you find a link to a BV10-46 for sale on ebay for a very nice price. But the best thing is, the seller is located only a view km from Denmark. I would save the money and buy a demo BV10-46. Keep it 2-3years and sell it only with a loss of 2-3k and go for the next telly.
Add a demo table stand from a second life dealer and for under 5k you will have a very good setup.
Take care hotknife
Hi again hotknife,
I apreciate your feedback! My concern with the BV10 was actually regarding fast movement i.e. soccer etc. (Which is quite bad on the 8-40). Thank you for the input about that. I will have a look at the BV10-46. You can get it used in Denmark for as low as €4000.
Other inputs are still welcome
As you have lab 9s,get a 7-40 with 7.4,it will compliment the lab 9s well and the speaker will match due to having alt across the front.Build quality and picture and sound wise,I think the 7 is a better tv.
The only benefit of the 11 is the thiness,and smart features.If wall mounted the 11 will be ideal,if not the 7 would be the choice.
Hi Frederik,
I had a BV740 3D with 7.2 for a year and took the plunge to part exchange for a BV11-40. I was very sceptical at first about BV11 as it is to be just a BV10 sister (and I also had a BV1032 which I also part exchanged for a V140). But I can assure you that IMHO that BV11-40 is a leap in terms of picture and sound. Picture would definitely better than a 740MKIV; I watched Prometheus 3D on BV1140 and it was breathtaking; if funds were available it would have been a 55''. Forum members may argue the about the sound comparison; what I think is that although the speakers in BV11 is not as powerful as 7.2 the new chassis somehow enhanced the sound of the quality of my speakers; my from BL9s seem to come alive and the cinema experience is a class above BV7-40. The BV7 has served me well through these years; I went from MK2, 3 and 6 and it lasted over 7 years. I would not bother with the BV10.
Hope it helps
HI Vince,
Thanks for your thoughts! Darn it, that is difficult... Talked to my dealer today and he offered me a BV7-40 MKV at a good price (same as BV11-40). I am lured by the built in blu-ray player and the fact that I have always dreamt of a BV7. I have to see both TV's live. Will try to arrange it with my dealer.
I recently purchased the 11-55 after seeing and being ready to buy a 7-40. As written earlier the flexibility of the bv11 when it comes to sound modes and picture modes won me over. I am also impressed with the picture and sound quality, which are quite a bit better than the bv10 in my opinion.. Really a different TV altogether.
I always loved the 7-40, but it now looks outdated stylistically next to the bv11, and my feeling is that the PQ seems brighter on the bv11. I would go with the 11-40 or even the 11-46 if you room/budget.
BV11-55, BS9000, BL1, BL19, Transmitter 1, Beo4, Beocom 6000, BeoTalk1 200, Sennheiser HD600, McIntosh MHA100
SeebergDK:HI Vince, Thanks for your thoughts! Darn it, that is difficult... Talked to my dealer today and he offered me a BV7-40 MKV at a good price (same as BV11-40). I am lured by the built in blu-ray player and the fact that I have always dreamt of a BV7. I have to see both TV's live. Will try to arrange it with my dealer.
I have a 10-46, I really like it, picture is good, sound is ok, I use BL11/3/4000 so I almost never only use built in speaker, and when I do it is far better than most tvs.
I have also looked at the BV7, and the picture on the 7 is so good, there is a depth in the picture (7-55) mostly that I have never seen on any other tv. I have looked at it without 3D, since Im no fan of 3D..
I can agree that the 10/11 is far better space vice than the 7, and it is a nice piece of furniture/art. However I think that in "the right room" a 7 can also be a masterpiece :)
Difficult. If I would buy a new tv today choosing between the 10 and 11 I would go for the 11, since it is a newer technology in it..
Each to their own, but a bv11 paired with lab 9s is not a class above a bv7 with 7.4.paired with 9s.The bv11 needs a bl11 just to sound fuller,
I am suprised you never preferred the 7.2.Its the best stereo tv speaker made.As the bv11 competes with the bv7 picturewise,it falls behind when it comes to sound.
Thanks again for all your inputs!
I agree that the BV 11 is sleek and stylish, but I have alway loved the 7 - it just oozes B&O
Can anyone tell me if the input lack issue on the BV11 has been sorted out? I play my Xbox pretty often. Also, I assume that there will be more options for boosting/tweaking the sound perfomance of my Lab 9's through the BV11 compared to the BV 7?
Still very much in doubt regarding this choice
Demo a bv7 with 7.4 center and lab 9s,with a movie.Then the same with bv11.Regarding bulk,the bv7 on floorstand looks light as if it is floating,if the bv11 is on the wall it is fantastic and thin,but is bulky on a floorstand,like bv5.
I had the same choice as you,and went with the bv7,the picture with all sources,hd and sd ,is better overal.l The bv11 was good with hd, but not as good with sd.The sound is good for day to day viewing crisp.but bass light due to the thiness.The 7.2 is in a different league,and as you already have alt lab 9s,the 7.4 is ideal as its a dedicated center,and for speech.
The choice is yours,but have a long demo of both set-ups,and choose what suits your needs.
The 7 has another advantage and that is an output so you can connect a projector to it, that can be a great feature if you are into that.