ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Tonight, I tried connecting an unused Beogram 5500 (with internal RIAA Amp fitted) to the CD socket on my MCL2AV in my office link room (that has Pentas, an MX5500 TV and a Beocenter 2 for playing DVDs on the MX and a Beolink 7000). And to my astonishment, it just worked. Pressed play on the turntable, and the Pentas lit up. I was even able to start and stop play with the BL7000 with Source CD. The Main room is a Beosystem 9500 with BL8000s and BL11 in white. Not bad for a bunch of 30 year old electronics.
Of course, I still can't get video link to work on my Masterlink system that runs in parallel, but that's another story. But for now, I take pleasure in a truly remarkable example of link room integration.
Great result - thanks for posting! I was tempted to set up my BG6500 (Beoworld win!) with an MCL2AV to use in a similar arrangement but I never got around to it.
The MCL2AV really is a useful bit of kit, especially considering its age. In addition to its role as part of an MCL system, it works as a stand-alone pre-amp that will accept most sources as inputs, plus provides full (2-way) remote datalink capability and provides a trigger to Beolabs. Have you tested your 2-way remotes with it yet? I think it will even work with an MCP.
My MCL system is working well after about 30 years of use; it includes a 30 meter MCL cable run outside the house including a section that is buried under the patio!
Gregg:I was even able to start and stop play with the BL7000 with Source CD.
Meant to ask - can you also control it with source PHONO from the BL7000?
I have a hybrid system with ML and MCL. I have a Beosystem 7000 originally and then changed to a BC2 (apart from the DVD, not convinced was an upgrade) and used a Belink 7000 in a link room which gave limited two way control with the BC2!