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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosystem AV 9000 within a link system

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Top 150 Contributor
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badgersurf Posted: Fri, Jan 25 2013 2:37 PM


I am just planning the layout for a new extension and working out caballing, equipment layout etc I have a question about my AV9000.

From what I can find on this forum and in the archived section the AV9000 can only operate as a video master, is there a way that it can be linked to a BV5 (non HD) which will have a media server, Beomedia and freeview box attached and a BV1, so that I can control the freeview box on the Av9000 and the BV1?

Hope you can offer some advice while I am still at the drawing up stage?



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200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Fri, Jan 25 2013 2:59 PM

There should be some threads in the good old forum that discus this point.

Connect  antenna cable to your AV9000, set TV channel 1 to the link frequency of your videomaster (BV5), connect an ML plug to a Beolink active, set BL active to L.OPT 4. Set AV9000 to V.OPT2.  If you now press TV - 1 and for example LINK - DTV you should be able to watch and listen to your DTV  of BV5. Works with all other mainroom products. If you have a Beo5/6, you can program macros that turn on this system just by a single button. Or you can use a Lintronic box and Beo4. Everything tested and works perfectly. Doesn`t work with BL5000/7000 though.

Hope this helps


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Thank you Stefan for a quick and most detailed message.



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