ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Does anyone have any suggestions for DVD's or Blu ray's that best demonstrate the capabilities of a B&O home cinema?
Perhaps featuring Dolby 7.1?
Especially those that are family friendly!
Thank you in advance for any suggestions!
kind Regards
Any Pixar movie. They always look fantastic on a B&O TV.
Jonathan: Any Pixar movie. They always look fantastic on a B&O TV.
Or live music concerts ... now wait, he said family friendly ...
BeoNut since '75
I love the Batman films,especially the tumbler scene,in Batman Begins,not sure if its family friendly though.
Gosh, so many and for so many different reasons.
Overall give me "UP!" or "Avatar". We're running "Casino Royale" in the shop at the moment, and chapter 4 gets a surprising amount of comment.
Surprisingly Chris Botti's "In Boston" is a great demo for both picture and sound. Watch the Katherine McPhee track (no, really!) On our BV-7 it becomes obvious that her hair is more than one shade of dark brown/black and a lot of other TV's just don't pick that out.
Along these lines I can also recommend "Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds Live at Radio City". Mostly acoustic set, but tru "Still Water/Don't Drink the Water" on BL-9's or 5's. Although parts of this concert are not completely Family Friendly.
We kid because we love.
elephant: Jonathan: Any Pixar movie. They always look fantastic on a B&O TV. Or live music concerts ... now wait, he said family friendly ...
Blue Man Group has two very entertaining concert movies that my 9 year old son loves. These might also be a good test of your speakers' bass response.
I would go for something like Pearl Harbor - Very nice when the planes fly in over Pearl Harbor. I don't know if it is too family friendly, Otherwise Avtar is also a great.
I can strongly recommend Tron Legacy. Amazing visuals and stunning HD 7.1 sound.
Beyond that, I concur that basically any Pixar title is highest quality as well as the latest Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol or Avengers
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
I love putting on Sky captain and the world of tomorrow, as well as League of extraordinary gentlemen, for the sound. I also love Tron Legacy both visually and because of Daft Punks soundtrack. Avatar is always good visually as well.
Musically I love the Jean Michel-Jarre DVD "Jarre in China", and the Eagles "Hell Freezes over" DVD. I have never heard such beautiful sound from a DVD as from these two.
thought I'd update this thread after watching 'Rise of the Guardians' for the first time yesterday. There are some particularly good sequences that make great use of the surround sound & some of the voices really travel around the room!
Like all animation the colours are quite exceptional!
You can't go far wrong with The Hobbit. A so-so film, but superb Blu-ray picture.
Strangely, one of the best Blu-ray's is the BBCs Sherlock. Absolutely flawless picture.
For sound quality:
Adele Live at The Albert Hall "someone like you" sounds truly fantastic and is very emotional, the far away cameras are SD though so not brilliant picture quality.
Chris Botti: Live in Boston "shape of my heart" this is very good for demonstrating surround sound as the vocals are split very well over all the channels.
Josh Groban: Lucia Micarelli "Kashmir" this song doesnt actually feature josh groban and is just violin and orchestral but is one of the best songs I have ever heard for showing off the capability of BeoLab 5's. Play it loud, it is also very good for demonstrating black levels.
For Picture & Sound:
Red Bull: The Art of Flight. Chapter 1. I recently saw this on a £150,000 home cinema with a Runco projector and full Triad 7.2 setup and it absolutely blew me away, the picture quality is insane and the soundtrack of Deadmau5 just adds to the awesome imagery.