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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


“Impossible to decode” message when switching from ATV to TV

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Top 500 Contributor
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OlivierC Posted: Tue, Dec 29 2020 5:40 PM
Hi Everyone,

I’m spending much more time watching tv than usual due to the circumstances, this might be the reason why I have more questions than usual... Embarrassed

Sometimes I watch some regular tv (TV internal decoder) from my Beoplay V1, then I switch to AppleTV Gen. 3 to watch some series.

Everything is fine until I switch back to TV.

When pressing the TV button on my Beo4, the screen turns black and the tv is displaying the “Impossible to decode” message, no matter which channel I am selecting. Super Angry

Subsequently I turn the tv off and on again (no hard reset or disconnection from mains), then regular tv is visible again as usual.

All this is NOT happening when I select a different source such as radio, netradio, YouTube then back to TV.

My guess is that something goes wrong when switching from the external HDMI source (maybe specifically to ATV?) back to an internal source.

Does anyone know what is the reason of this strange behaviour and how it can be fixed? Confused

I’m wondering if other BS4-equipped BV’s behave the same or if it’s just mine that rebels to the old school tv! Smile


Top 150 Contributor
Posts 742
Hi Olivier,

We’ve been watching more (i.e. far too much!) TV during lockdown, mostly on the V1-40 at my fiancé’s home. We’ve seen that message from time to time while watching Freeview WITHOUT CHANGING SOURCE, or even channel. It happens maybe once a week.

I just assumed that it was due to atmospheric interference, as the HUMAX PVR connected to my BV9 at my home across town sometimes suffers these signal dropouts too.

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OlivierC replied on Wed, Dec 30 2020 2:20 PM
Hi Lawrence,

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Where I live is not sunny in this season but weather is not too bad.

I find strange that the loss of signal happens only when I switch from Apple TV back to TV but it has never happened while watching tv or changing channel.

I’m not using an external decoder right now, only the internal DVB-T2 decoder.


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OlivierC replied on Fri, Jan 1 2021 11:12 PM
Update: if I turn the ATV off (it requires to navigate into the Apple menu until you get to the OFF command) then I switch back to tv, then everything is fine. Confused

If I don’t, the problem still occurs, black screen and “Impossible to decode” message is displayed.

Definitely a strange behaviour from the V1.


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Carolpa replied on Sat, Jan 2 2021 10:52 AM

sorry misread your post....... (deleted my remark)

additional: just an idea,  set the ATV to another resolution

Top 500 Contributor
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No prob and thanks for the suggestion, I gave it a try.

I have selected a different resolution but “Impossible to decode” again.

Then I have switched off the ATV through the Apple settings menu, switched to TV and everything was fine.

Is it some sort of HDMI glitch where the V1 doesn’t like to switch from an external source to an internal one when the first is still activated? Sad

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