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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


new hard drive set up in beomaster 5 after drive crashed and no back up.

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oggy1 Posted: Wed, Jan 13 2021 8:24 PM


is there a way to get the required software needed to start again with beomaster5.

my hard drive crashed and cant get any data and dont have any backup

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Stan replied on Wed, Jan 13 2021 9:15 PM

As I understand it, a disk must be "married" to the motherboard, and this requires software that is not generally available to the public.  You might get lucky, and someone on the forum can share it.  Years ago, I had a copy that was shared with me, but I lost track of it.

Most do a straight full (block for block) disk copy which copies the "marriage" information as well as the music data, but this requires a working disk that was married to your device.  Is there any chance you could have your disk recovered by a company that specializes in these things?  Typically, not much data is lost when a disk crashes (assuming it's a mechanical failure of the disk, and not drowning or beat with a hammer or power tool), but you need specialized tools to extract the data.

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oggy1 replied on Thu, Mar 11 2021 1:05 PM

hi stan

thanks for the advice - did a drive clone which took many hours and then was able to run the recovery and it was able to set up again - have managed to get the unit working ok but everytime i try to check the network settings it keeps crashing and restarting but otherwise is working well.

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oggy1 replied on Thu, Mar 11 2021 1:06 PM

also have managed to locate all the software to be able to sort from scratch so hope for the future issues

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Teyelvis replied on Mon, Mar 29 2021 3:47 PM

Hi. What type of hdd should I look for if I wish to replace my burnt 1 tb ? Do I have to look for identical specs? Tks

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oggy1 replied on Thu, Apr 15 2021 2:58 PM


i just used used a wd 2tb drive and repartitioned the software


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Teyelvis replied on Wed, Apr 21 2021 5:02 AM

Thanks. Is there any particular model i should get?

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Teyelvis replied on Sun, May 23 2021 4:17 AM

Can I just get any wd 1/2gb or is there a specific spec I should be aware of? Thanks

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TWG replied on Sun, May 23 2021 9:14 AM

Here's an original Beomaster 5 HDD for sale on ebay Germany:

Maybe that helps.

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Teyelvis replied on Wed, May 26 2021 1:10 PM

Appreciate that

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gerard replied on Wed, May 26 2021 5:53 PM

as the original HDDs are maried to the mainboard, I do not think a original one from ebay will do the job.

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oggy1 replied on Wed, May 26 2021 11:29 PM

hi all

the hard drives are not maried  to the mainboard as i have used a new 2tb wd drive - had to set up and repartition the drive after using the recovery software on the drive.

also have set up a brand new 1Tb hard drive as a spare which is  a seagate drive so if crashes again i can just replace my drive. had it fitted and set up and tested so it definately works.

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oggy1 replied on Wed, May 26 2021 11:29 PM

hi all

the hard drives are not maried  to the mainboard as i have used a new 2tb wd drive - had to set up and repartition the drive after using the recovery software on the drive.

also have set up a brand new 1Tb hard drive as a spare which is  a seagate drive so if crashes again i can just replace my drive. had it fitted and set up and tested so it definately works.

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