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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 120X / Beocord Dust Cover polishing

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Germany (close to Rhine)
Posts 45
Bronze Member
Motorman Posted: Mon, Mar 1 2021 2:12 PM

Dear all,

fortunately, I have now received a dust cover for my BG1202. Unfortunately, it was very scratched and the B&O label was missing. A member of the forum kindly sent me a very nice label. I wrote to him that I now feel compelled to polish my cover to make it worthy of the label. He asked me to report here in the forum how I did it, hence the following report:

This is how the cover looked before.

First it has to get worse before it gets better!
After sanding by hand with 400 grit sandpaper wet:

For the next Steps I used a Fein Delt-Grinder but in can be done with elbow grease too:

This is after the use of 600 grit sandpaper wet:

Next Step 1000 grid sandpaper wet:

Last sanding step 2000 grid sandpaper alo wet:

This was the last sanding step. There is one trick. If you turn the cover between each sanding step by 90° you can exactly see when you have sanded out the marks from the coarser sandpaper!

So far, everything can be done by hand. For the next step, there is no way around a machine, in my opinion. It has to be a slow-turning polishing machine so that the plastic doesn't get too hot. I used a polishing flex for car polish.

On top of this came a fairly soft foam pad and 3M Perfect-it Fastcut lacquer polishing paste. If necessary, you can then go over it with normal car polish. In this case it was not necessary as the following pictures show:

Then at last the icing of the cake. The wonderful label from Matador:

Back on the Record Deck:

The whole excercise took me 3 hours.

Kind regards,



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Posts 65
Bronze Member
Peter8300 replied on Sat, May 15 2021 7:06 PM

Very nice work, thanks for sharing Thumbs Up

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