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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Whatever happened to good old B&O edgy adverts?

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wonderfulelectric Posted: Sat, Feb 2 2013 10:49 PM

Okay way back when B&O was big in the late 90s and early 2000s. When it was marketed in a more arty way. Do any of you remember how were the Lab1s, Lab 4000s, Beosound1 and 2 promoted? 

Whatever happened to that? I thought the Beosound 1 marketing was particularly edgy. Which brings me back to the fact that B&O should go back to its roots as a luxury lifestyle label, marketing electronics more like fashion labels do. Branding branding branding I think B&O lost a lot of focus on that. All I see now on site are simply well placed products in simulated home environments (Struer perhaps)? 

Everything is getting more techy but why not maintain the old glamour with the tech side intact? Well it is a well known marketing fact that people react better to emotions and faces in adverts etc... 

Anyway I think it is kinda of a trend now... Less emotional more corporate. I just browsed through all my fav luxury brands.... just the same proper promo videos that are too well put together. So cold... .

Oh dear I can't find the old videos on Youtube or anywhere. 

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Viktor replied on Sun, Feb 10 2013 2:16 AM

I havent seen too much marketing for B&O at all, but I seem to remember a commercial with music by Jean Michell Jarre. I dont think the commercial made much sence but it did deliver the" feeling" of the brand combined with artsy stuff, but been a while so im not sure. 

They way i got into B&O was word of mouth and B&O cameos in movies. Then I researched the brand and got the feeling they had a limited amount of designers and a "design-DNA" running throu the entire lineup. Nowadays, after my 5+ year break I get the feeling B&O offers a bunch off products, all seemingly intruduced recently, going in their on directions. Not many current B&O products seem to share the same "design-DNA". 

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Jeff replied on Sun, Feb 10 2013 4:00 PM

As long as I can remember B&O have never advertised in traditional audio magazines. I think back in the 60's and early 70's they may have, but since then, nothing. I do see ads for them in design and architectural mags like Dwell. Both of the last two issues of Dwell have had full page ads for the A9.


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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