ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi everyone! I'm a new member and hope that the collective knowledge of those on this forum might help me.
I recently traded a nice Teac A3340S reel to reel deck for a 4002 type 5503. When I received it there were two obvious problems: the lift system wasn't working right, and the platter motor was noisy and of inconsistent speed. I solved the lift problem by removing the lever arm and cleaning and lubricating its pivot, and solved the motor problem by disassembling the platter motor, cleaning and lubing the bearings and cleaning the brushes and commutator.
I also replaced both belts in the turntable.
The lift now works very nicely, with good damping in the down direction, and the motor is quiet and stable.
However, there is a problem concerning the lift and tonearm lateral motion. When the end of the record is sensed the arm lifts and returns, but the 'lift' and the 'return' both begin simultaneously, resulting in the stylus being dragged across the record by a little bit before it clears the record surface. The same thing happens if, while a record is playing, I hit any of the <<, <. >, >> buttons. The arm is dragged slightly across the record as it is lifting.
Is this normal behavior? I would expect the arm to lift off the record before lateral motion begins.
And if this is errant behavior, does anyone have any ideas about what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance for any help you can throw my direction!