ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
My beloved BeoCom3 has a bad cable. My phone has started to periodically die, and I've traced it to a frayed cable going into a small junction midway through the cord. The cable is totally proprietary, and I doubt it is still available given the phone was not popular and has been out of production for quite a few years (and it looks like the phone needs to be taken apart to replace the cable - no RJ connectors to be found). I guess I will try the service center and see what they say.
In case it is bad news, does anybody have any recommendations for a 2 line office phone with a very good speaker phone? I would consider the BeoCom 5, but I still hear folks complain about it still not working well (is this just a couple squeaky wheels or is the consensus that it really still does not work well?)... and this is for my work phone so periodic drops and weird noises is not acceptable. I'm also not excited about using wireless when wired will do. On the other hand, I tried about 5 speaker phones before I bought the BeoCom3 and they were all garbage.
I have never seen a BC3 in the flesh but it cannot be that difficult to replace the cable or have some one do it for you.
Sounds like the BC3 ticks all your boxes so if they are that scarce why not look out for some spare ones on ebay ?
You would think a cable would be easy to replace, but this a single line that combines 2 phone lines and power. The standard connectors (for connecting to the phone lines and power adapter) are at one end of the cable, the phone is hard wired into the other end. I would think once you open up the phone there's probably connectors for the power and such, but where to get a replacement cable (and how far do you have to go to open up the phone to get to these connectors.
E-bay is a good idea. I've looked from time to time and never saw one, but today there are 2 for sale...