ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Does anybody know if the Beosound 5/Beomaster 5 will be updated with an NL connection? If so, do you think it will happend soon?
I doubt it. I can't see any reason to keep the bm5/BS5 product at all. They should (and probably will) enable the handicapped-on-purpose features of the Encore (two-way with the Beo6, hello?) instead of updating the BM5/BS5 combo. And at the same time EOL that combo.
I am thinking about upgrading my Encore to BS5/BM5 thats why i am asking.. But i think B&O is going to do an upgrade on their Beosound systems.. And the first i think about is to get them work together with the newer NL system.. Isn't that the way to go?
Sure, that is the way to go.....
But as long as we don't know if there will be an update of the E (personally I don't think there ever will) and/or if there soon will be a new NL-BeoSound, none of us will be able to give you an advice!
The BS/BM will work with recent and new NL-products - but you will need the NL/ML-converter to integrate it.
Greetings Millemissen
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Ok, but won't i get an delay when i play in the linksystem? Or is this just a problem with picture and sound played together?
As it stands the BeoSound 5 will connect via the NetLink converter to any NetLink TV (BV11 + V1). There is currently a delay between the NetLink room and the MasterLink rooms, but this will be rectified in an upcoming SW update.
Especially with the new iPad browsing enabled by the ML Gateway the BeoSound 5 is a terrific choice for a multi-room system. The BeoLink app is very polished and customers have been very happy. I think your upgrade sounds great.
Trip you are the ultimate salesman promoting an out of date pile of rubbish! You are so dishonest aren't you!
Paul, I'm not sure what you're talking about. Please explain.
Paul W: Trip you are the ultimate salesman promoting an out of date pile of rubbish! You are so dishonest aren't you!
Looks like the we get the Mr. Hyde version of Paul tonight....Can't handle WE stealing his show.
Any likelihood of a "MLGW light" solution for those of us who want to use the iPad to control our B&O products and navigate the BeoSound 5? That control would be nice, but buying a MLGW just for that purpose without any need to control curtains, lights, etc., seems like a waste. It would seem logical that this could be built into the software of the BeoSound 5, since it already can connect to a home wifi network.
BeoJeff, the Beo 6 is essentially that solution. You can browse the collection on the screen and it works directly with the BeoSound 5.
I would be cautious with the whole 2 way approach.
I might be too impatient but most 2 way remotes or apps seem to load the coverart on demand via WIFI when needed. That has so far always been too sluggish for me.
Anyhow, I wouldn't waste much on getting 2 way working. When I am too lazy to get up I just stream straight from my iphone or iPad.
No MOTS this way though. You could think about driving the Encore form a NAS with integrated DLNA server and use a remote app on ipad or iphone to stream from there to an airport/playmaker
beojeff: Trip, Any likelihood of a "MLGW light" solution for those of us who want to use the iPad to control our B&O products and navigate the BeoSound 5? That control would be nice, but buying a MLGW just for that purpose without any need to control curtains, lights, etc., seems like a waste. It would seem logical that this could be built into the software of the BeoSound 5, since it already can connect to a home wifi network.
I fully agree here, I think that if B&O made a light version of MLGW, then this could trigger quite some sale to existing customers who would love to be able to control using i.e. iPhone.
2.000 EUR for a MLGW is quite a lot of money for me
beojeff:Trip, Any likelihood of a "MLGW light" solution for those of us who want to use the iPad to control our B&O products and navigate the BeoSound 5? That control would be nice, but buying a MLGW just for that purpose without any need to control curtains, lights, etc., seems like a waste. It would seem logical that this could be built into the software of the BeoSound 5, since it already can connect to a home wifi network.
TripEnglish:BeoJeff, the Beo 6 is essentially that solution. You can browse the collection on the screen and it works directly with the BeoSound 5.
Everything that has an ip-adress could be a part of NL.
It all depends on what Bang & Olufsen want to do.
I don't think updating old products will have priority. They want to - and must - sell new products.
I am sure that - with nowadays-technology - new products can be produced (and perhaps also sold) cheaper than e.g. the BS/BM5-combo.
How about a NLGW?
What do you mean by NLGW?
The MLGW is a network product.
TripEnglish: The MLGW is a network product.
Yes, and for Normann's benefit, it stands for MasterLink GateWay, and NL is the newer of the two, I believe it stands for NetLink (correct me if I'm wrong), meaning it would become NetLink GateWay. In any case, NL is the new stuff, and not much can work together as of yet.
Not necessarily. It's meant to bridge multiple communication standards. It already has LAN/Network I/O so there isn't a need for a redesign at the moment. Updates will continue as SW for the foreseeable future.
I was just explaining what Millemissen meant when he wrote NLGW. I have no opinions on gateways or any other kind of adaptors (intelligent or otherwise).
Well, well - that triggered some thoughts
MLGW is "meant to bridge multiple communication standards" = BeoLink ML and different homeautomation standarts. It makes it possible to manage ML-sources and homeautomation products with one common userinterface = the BeoLink iPad-app.
In a setup with NL-products (audio-and videoproducts) and homeautomation you will still need some kind of bridge.
NL is still a Bang & Olufsen-standart for audio and video-distribution - but now ip-protocol based..
To integrate with different homeautomation standarts you will still need a gateway.
That is why I called it a NLGW
if you 'just' want to control a NL-setup via app on a iDevice (could be a program for Pc/Mac too - Android is already ditched) you don't need a gateway.
The fun has already begun with the BeoRemote iPad-app.
I see the BeoRemote as the 'MasterController' assisted by the Beo4 in future NL-setups.
Millemissen:Well, well - that triggered some thoughts MLGW is "meant to bridge multiple communication standards" = BeoLink ML and different homeautomation standarts. It makes it possible to manage ML-sources and homeautomation products with one common userinterface = the BeoLink iPad-app.In a setup with NL-products (audio-and videoproducts) and homeautomation you will still need some kind of bridge.NL is still a Bang & Olufsen-standart for audio and video-distribution - but now ip-protocol based.. To integrate with different homeautomation standarts you will still need a gateway. That is why I called it a NLGW if you 'just' want to control a NL-setup via app on a iDevice (could be a program for Pc/Mac too - Android is already ditched) you don't need a gateway. The fun has already begun with the BeoRemote iPad-app. I see the BeoRemote as the 'MasterController' assisted by the Beo4 in future NL-setups. Greetings Millemissen
"NL is B&O's attempt to con us into thinking that they invented TCP/Ip!!!"
I would definitely not say it that way.
TCP/ip is certainly not an invention that Bang & Olufsen made - NL is the attempt to change the wellknown BeoLink concept into a digital-based concept.
NL based on TPC/ip gives us the possibility to distribute sound and video in better/higher quality (integrating also with a NAS or a local HD in a tv as source) and to control it with something like e.g. the iPad-app. And it opens up for using different sources in different rooms - in addition to the multiroom-function we already know from the analog ML.
Nothing wrong in using a well-known technology
It is the way you/Bang & Olufsen use it, that makes the difference.