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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022



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david656 Posted: Sat, Jul 31 2021 5:30 PM

Hi All,


I trust everyone is keeping safe in these strange times, I've decided I've had enough of the lockdown blues and am plowing on with some projects I've been meaning to tackle for some time.


I'm very serious about wanting to share what ever knowledge and projects I complete. I've made a start by posting a YouTube video on how to rebuild the Penta Beolab amplifiers which some of you may have seen -


I think this is a great community and I want to try and share in video form what ever I find and make (of course giving a mention to the great people that have helped make it possible. So here is a project I want to do coming up.


I have some Beovision CRT TVs and some early LCDS, MX7000 AV9000 BV6-22, BV6-26 and I want to tap into the Datalink on the SCART connector.


I know from having previously tried this it is on Pin 8 rather than the Pin 10 other manufactures used. and from historical posts on the old forum I know some basic information, but sadly the pictures have been removed.


The 2 threads I'm most interested in are:


Thanks to the posts by Keith Saunders its clear what voltages to expense on Pin 8 when it comes to specifying/detecting the aspect ratio, 4:3/16:9 etc and on the other link there is talk of how the datalink code sits on top of the voltage and that some sort of voltage divider circuit would rip this data out for interaction with. It looks like  'tournedos' posted a picture of how this circuit would look, but sadly the pictures on the old forum appear to be broken. are they lost forever? could the admins potentially get it back.


Essentially if I can extract the data and then potentially port that into an Arduino or a Pi I then want to use it to control other devices - like a Pi/Kodi box. I've successfully built a Pi/Kodi box for my DVD Avant 32 and run an Emby plugin to stream all my films onto it. It needs some tweaking, but the picture quality is really nice. However the lack of beo4 integration is very frustrating. My thought is also, my Avant doesn't have the Thompson MkII sky PUC on it, so I could use the SCART to interact with the skybox perhaps.


Any help is greatly appreciated. I have an oscilloscope (which I've yet to plug in), as it's digital I'll be able to show video capture from it in my YouTube video as well. 



Bristol based B&O fan with a collection including the following: BC9500, Beogram 9500, Beosystem 3, BeoVision Avant DVD 32, AV9000, Beolab 3500, Beolab 3000s, Beolab 4s, Beolab 6000s, Beovox Pentas, Beovox 3000s.

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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 5:24 PM


I am controlling Kodi on raspberry pi via datalink over scart.

Used it with CRT's in the past and currently with BV7 

Analogue audio and datalink via scart socket

Video via DVI/HDMI 

I can share the Beo4 config files I've made for V.TAPE and DVD mode. 

Just connect scart ground to raspberry pi GPIO ground and scart pin 8 to GPIO 18 

I also made a config file for the Beo Link Eye as alternative to scart datalink allowing you to use PC mode on Beo4 

If you use OSMC you just load the Beo4 config file directly in the front-end 

No programming or ssh skills required. 



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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 5:34 PM


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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 5:56 PM

GPIO documentation

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Hi Ravsted,

Thank you! for posting this. This is exactly the type of information I was looking for. Could you please share your file with me so I can compare what I'm doing to what you have done?

I am planning to do a YouTube video about this and will of course quote you as the source of the file.


Send me a personal message if you require an email address to send the file to.


Many thanks,

Bristol based B&O fan with a collection including the following: BC9500, Beogram 9500, Beosystem 3, BeoVision Avant DVD 32, AV9000, Beolab 3500, Beolab 3000s, Beolab 4s, Beolab 6000s, Beovox Pentas, Beovox 3000s.

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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 6:06 PM

Here you find the config files for Beo4 using V.MEM / V.TAPE or DVD mode 





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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 6:16 PM

The config files include the commands:





OK : GO  

Stop : STOP 

Esc : EXIT 

Subtitle : GREEN

Menu : BLUE





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This is all very VERY helpful information. and I'm starting to build the picture in my mind now.

I've just done some IR scanning via the datalink on my BV6-22 for DVD/V.TAPE and V.AUX

My Raw codes are NOT the same as yours, but I suspect they vary depending on device and cable length perhaps? HOWEVER, comparing my codes to your codes I see a pattern and my codes are similar values all across the command to your values, so I feel I'm on the right track now.


When you connected the datalink pins to your Pi. did you cut the pins/remove the voltages for aspect ratio sense? 4:3/16:9 etc.

When you say you used a B&O IR Eye for PC mode, is that because the datalink doesn't pulse on SCART if in PC Mode? I haven't checked this yet.

I can confirm the Datalink doesn't pulse on SCART if you set it to STB as it tries to use the STB-C controller instead.

Thanks again.

Bristol based B&O fan with a collection including the following: BC9500, Beogram 9500, Beosystem 3, BeoVision Avant DVD 32, AV9000, Beolab 3500, Beolab 3000s, Beolab 4s, Beolab 6000s, Beovox Pentas, Beovox 3000s.

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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 9:21 PM


My RAW codes are recorded via datalink, raspberry and a ssh console running LIRC. I did that many years ago and do not remember all the details.

I also noticed they vary slightly from one recording to another. However the 'variations' never caused any issues.

I did cut the wire in the scart connector. So aspect ratio on PIN 8 will not work anymore. In my case it is not an issue as I use digital video via DVI rather than composite or RGB via scart.

I use an IR eye for PC mode as the MK1 BV7-32 and BV7-40 does not allow to associate the DVI socket to an AV scart socket. When pressing PC on the Beo4 with such a MK1 TV there is no way to get the datalink data via any AV socket.

The IR eye solves that problem. It does 'transmit' the datalink data when Beo4 is in PC mode.



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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 9:28 PM

I don't use the IR Eye solution anymore as my BV7's were upgraded to MK2 and later ... But I still have the config file on an old Pi ... Somewhere ... Let me know if you'd like me to find it ...

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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 9:36 PM

This information will also be useful for you.


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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 9:37 PM

This information will also be useful for you.


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Thanks again for the clarification. Sounds like the early BV7 is the same as the basic BV6 which is such a shame as PC-Mode /DVI is really what you want to use on those BV6 models.

For completeness if you could find that file that would be greatly appreciated.

Also do you happen to remember which pins on the eye you tapped into?


Bristol based B&O fan with a collection including the following: BC9500, Beogram 9500, Beosystem 3, BeoVision Avant DVD 32, AV9000, Beolab 3500, Beolab 3000s, Beolab 4s, Beolab 6000s, Beovox Pentas, Beovox 3000s.

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Ravsted replied on Sun, Aug 1 2021 10:10 PM

Yes.... Same thing with the BV6 

And yes ... You want to use DVI ... Don't waste your time on analogue video.

There are a number of IR Link Eye types.

You'll need to find documentation for yours.

You will need to connect 3 wires. See Raspberry documentation as well.


Ground -> Raspberry Pi GPIO pin 6 - ground

Data -> Raspberry Pi GPIO - pin 12 (GPIO 18)

5V -> Raspberry Pi GPIO pin 2 - 5V


I'll find the conf file and upload it later 

Keith Saunders
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I think this is the diagram you are looking for..

Regards Keith....

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Ravsted replied on Thu, Aug 5 2021 9:43 PM

Found it....

The config file needed when using a B&O LinkEye directly with a raspberry pi running OSMC.

Responds to Beo4 in PC mode.


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