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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 6000 carriage moves when lowering tonearm

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MacFranky Posted: Thu, Sep 23 2021 11:13 AM

Hi there.

I seem to have a tracking problem on my recently purchased BG6000. I adjusted the damper speed so the tone arm lowers more smoothly. But I found another problem in the process: when the tone arm is being lowered, the carriage moves a bit to the centre instead of standing exactly still.  

Is there a way to adjust this? 

Also when pushing the UP button, the tonearm moves up quite fast. It kind of jumps. Is this also adjustable?



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sonavor replied on Thu, Sep 23 2021 9:16 PM


It looks like the tangential tracking sensor adjustment is not setup correctly.  That is a service manual adjustment.
There is a diaphragm that is attached to the tonearm pivot that controls how much light hits the tracking sensor. 
That sensor and its components are initially set up so the normal, stand-still position is defined. A correctly adjusted sensor assembly will not move the tonearm assembly until about one revolution of a record (being played).  The playing of a record will move the arm slightly which, in turn, changes the diaphragm to let more light hit the sensor. The adjustment procedure will have set that sensitivity where that tonearm movement in the record groove will cause the arm to advance.

In your case, either the arm is incorrectly aligned mechanically so that it moves the diaphragm while the arm lowers...causing the servo motor to advance the arm, or...the sensor and its part are not properly set up.

Another thing to check is to remove the metal cover from the back of the tonearm/fixed-arm assembly and test running the Beogram that way.
I have seen a few cases where the fit of that cover interferes with proper tonearm operation.  If that is the case then there could be a mechanical problem with the way the fixed-arm and tonearm are set up with relation to each other.  The service manual specifies that the gap between the fixed-arm and tonearm should be around 7 or 7.5 mm.  That width will of course affect how the metal cap fits.


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