ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hope someone can help with and answer. Took Beolab 2000 out of storage after about 7 years. Bought beo converter box for masterlink connection, speaker stays in standbay mode but does not turn on either with remote or play button. Busted or ?????
Can you give more details as to what you are conneting the BeoLab2000 to?
Is it the same equipment you used before it went into storage?
Did you power off the system BEFORE connecting the masterlink cable to the BeoLab2000?
BV 11-46 / Beoplay V1 -40 / Apple TV 1+3 / Beosound Essence MK2 / BL3 / 2* BL11 / BL 6000 / BL 12-1 / BL 2000 / 3 * Beo4 /BL Converter 1611