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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Audio Aux Link and Aux Link connections?

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This post has 2 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
Posts 663
Bronze Member
hfat Posted: Sun, Feb 24 2013 7:19 AM

Dear Beoworlders,

I'm desprately searching for information to clarify the difference between Audio Aux Link and Aux Link pin layouts.

I've read the MCL Handbook, where pg.3 shows the connection between audio and video as aux link connection. When reading the product description of the MX series, I find the connection to be audio aux link.

Beotech shows different pin layouts for audio aux link and aux link sockets.

Could someone please clarify whats the difference between those two sockets and where are used?

I'll be thankful for any information.



Top 150 Contributor
near Munich
Posts 626
Gold Member
RaMaBo replied on Mon, Feb 25 2013 9:35 AM

Hi hfat,



 The last paragraph of the chapter signals says that the cables are identical. I guess even in those old days when MCl had begun there was just a bit of confusion between the engineers and the marketing people Smile

The TV AUX connector and the Audio Aux connector could be used to connect both systems with each other to route the sound from one to the other in both directions: Record tv sound at cassette deck or play audio source through tv-speaker or record music on videorecorder to get up to 8 hours of non stop music  AND control bothsets with just one receiver. The second system could be located in another room and still can be controlled.

It's just the fore runner of Masterlink.




Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
Posts 663
Bronze Member
hfat replied on Mon, Feb 25 2013 11:20 AM

Hi RaMaBo,

I guess even in those old days when MCl had begun there was just a bit of confusion between the engineers and the marketing people

I think you are right. As my project deals with MCL2 components, I'll stick to the Audio Aux Link specs.


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