ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi, I have a BV3 that is setup with v.opt 6. The Videomaster is a Beosystem 1 and the audio master is a Beomaster 5.
I can play N.Music from link rooms on Beolab 3500 and Beolab Passives. I can also play N.Music on the Beosystem 1. But the Beovision 3 will not react to any audio sources? I have tried both N.Music and A-N.Mus on the Beo4 both nothing happens? I can control the BV3 from the MLGW so the ML seems to be working. What can be wrong?
On the BeoSound5 it is possible to re-assign the Net Music and Net radio commands to respond to CD & Radio. You could try this on your BeoSound5 and see if the BeoVision3 works then.
As your MLGW works with BeoVision3 I'm out of any other ideas.
Hmm, the problem seemed to be a faulty ML cable to an other link room (but no product was connected there). Once a removed the cable from the patch panel the BV3 started to respond to the remote?! Really strange that I could still control the BV3 from MLGW. However, after having removed the faulty cable I still could not control N.Music and N.Radio on BV3 from the MLGW. The problem here was that the "DST" (destination) in the Source section on the MLGW should be set to TV and not Radio. This was new to me (on the Beosystem 1 and the audio link product I have it set to Radio and that works fine).