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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Needle "bent" in pick-up..? (Beogram 4500)

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Mange Olufsen
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Bronze Member
Mange Olufsen Posted: Sun, Feb 20 2022 11:30 AM

Hi Guys!

A question:
My father in law just passed away, and I got his Beogram 4500 with MMC4 pick-up.
I'd say that he has played it for less than 50 hours in total over the years!

However, it sounds terrible. He dumped it in his attic some years ago with an LP still on. 
I suspect that while being carried around the needle may have been damaged.
I removed the pick-up and I don't know,  but surely does it look like the needle has been "pressed up", too close to the housing? 
Do I dare to bend it back? 

Or does it look OK..? I googled pictures, and I think that on most of them the needle i sfurther down than this. 



Mange Olufsen
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Posts 4
Bronze Member

Hmm, sorry, the picture doesn't seem to be attached... I'm a rookie here and I will try again...

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