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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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Ir cable - puc inputs - Atlona switch - BV7-40 MK3

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Flensborg, Denmark
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Millemissen Posted: Wed, Mar 13 2013 3:17 PM

Hi guys,

What do you do if you are short of puc-inputs.

If you buy the Atlona switch, you have several more HDMI's - but still have the same puc-inputs.

Can I use some kind of y-splitter to connect the new/extra devices?

Experiences and tips appreciated!

Greetings Millemissen

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hfat replied on Wed, Mar 13 2013 6:58 PM

Hi Millemissen,

Do you mean the IR-output from BV to the sources?

The limiting number is the number of connections the BV has AV1 to AVn. Each of them can be assigned a HDMI connection. Ifnyou use an expander you have more HDMI connections than AV connections available and you will not be ablentomuse them. As far as I remember the latest SW version of BV10 respected that fact and created new "virtual" AV connections, but wihout additional PUC sockets. So it depedednon your installtion if itnwasnof use for you. A Lintronic bax could help solve this problem, as is can free a PUC socket for an AV socket with AVL signal.


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That is a pity - if that is correct, why should one buy the Atlona switch?

Of cource one wants to control the extra devices via Puc. That is one of the killer-features of a BV.

I will have to free the AV-group where my VCR is connected .... just to free a puc-input No - thumbs down

Any other tip?

Greetings Millemissen

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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 6:34 AM

That is a pity - if that is correct, why should one buy the Atlona switch?

One reason of adding a Atlona HDMI-Matrix is to distribute HD signals from sources in the main room via HDMI to link rooms.

I will have to free the AV-group where my VCR is connected .... just to free a puc-input

First you have to check if BV7-40 behaves like the BV10 regarding the additional HDMI connections. Otherwise freeing PUC connection of the AV-group makes no sense, as you do nat have a new HDMI-only AV-connection

Any other tip?

Another tip comes to my mind, I'm using in a similar situation. BS3 supports a source "CENTER" for AV2+3, which allows you to have more than one device connected to one AV-connection. I use it for a VCR which is using SCART input and a Settop-Box which is using HDMI to connect to AV2. But you still have to work around the single PUC connection.


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beolion replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 7:34 AM

Does the Altona switch also require PUC control in order to switch between the different input sources?

I have a few PUC left on my BV7 since I use the built in Blueray player and DVB-C.


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Flensborg, Denmark
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Hi hfat,

I am not asking about the Atlona HDMI-Matrix - but about the Switch!!!

Problem seems to be:

You get 3 additional HDMI-inputs - you must reserve 1 PUC-input to control the switch.

But in the end you have no free PUC-port for controlling the 3 new HDMI-devices with a Beo4.

What I need is a 'PUC-switch' as well!  - or at least a 'ir-cable splitter solution' of some kind.

Since there are no free PUC-ports anymore (not even for the switch!).

But MY real problem is the lack of free PUC-ports.

I have 2 free HDMI-ports, but all AV-groups are used.

One of them (only) for connecting the sound from a pc with spdif. Another one for connecting the VCR via scart.

If no other solution is found, I will have to free this group (no more VCR then!) just to get hold of the PUC-port.

Or did I miss something?

And this for the sake of connecting a ATV to my BV7 Confused

Greetings Millemissen

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Flensborg, Denmark
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Hi hfat,

"BS3 supports a source "CENTER" for AV2+3, which allows you to have more than one device connected to one AV-connection. I use it for a VCR which is using SCART input and a Settop-Box which is using HDMI to connect to AV2. But you still have to work around the single PUC connection"

Could you tell me/us alittle more about how this is done/where to read about it, please?

Greetings Millemissen

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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 12:00 PM

I am not asking about the Atlona HDMI-Matrix - but about the Switch!!!

I see, but the problem is the same. As you lack free AV-connections.



You get 3 additional HDMI-inputs - you must reserve 1 PUC-input to control the switch.

The HDMI switch is controlled by the PUC1+2 connector of the Control group. You even have to use a PUC-Splitter from B&O (with one gold and one silver plug), otherwise the PUC connection to the switch does not work. So you don't waste one from the AV-connections.


I have 2 free HDMI-ports, but all AV-groups are used.

One of them (only) for connecting the sound from a pc with spdif. Another one for connecting the VCR via scart.


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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 12:12 PM

Hi Millemissen,

You can find a short hinto to this option on page 16 of the BV7 55-40 Userguide "Centre .. for the connection of a centre, which may contain up to six built-in sources.

If your VCR is a B&O VCR you'll setup the AV2 connection as Centre, with the following sub-sources:

source 1: B&O VCR as V.MEM

Source 2: Settop Box ATV PUC2 Apple Remote, HDMIx as DVD

IF you press V.MEM the Centre on AV2 gets activated and the VCR is controlled via Scart-Signal. It doesn't need a PUC. The PUC on AV2 is still free

IF you press DVD the centre on AV2 gets activated by the PUC associated to the sub-source and the HDMIx port gets set as input.

if the VCR is not B&O and needs a PUC you could try making the apropiate sub-source definition and use a simple 3.5 mm stereo splitter to connect to PUC-cables running to VSR and ATV. IT should work.


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Does that mean, that one can use a "simple stereo splitter to connect" to 2 ir-blasters to one PUC-in???


Read the page 16 - but this is probably not possible with a MK3/requires a softwareupdate?

Trouble is: I can't test it right away.

The BV7 belongs to a friend of mine - he wants (my advice) the ATV in his setup.

I will be visiting him in a couple of weeks to do the setup with him.

He doesn't write english Embarrassed

Thanks for your help.

Greetings Millemissen

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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 1:00 PM

Does that mean, that one can use a "simple stereo splitter to connect" to 2 ir-blasters to one PUC-in???

In my opinion that should work, as long as the two connected devices don't get confused with the "other" IR-signal

If it helps I could test next weekend.


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Raeuber replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 1:19 PM

In my opinion that should work, as long as the two connected devices don't get confused with the "other" IR-signal

If it helps I could test next weekend.


I would agree, but I think it is not possible to assign ONE PUC connection to DIFFERENT devices in the connections menue of BV 7.


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Vienna replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 2:29 PM


If you buy the Atlona switch, you have several more HDMI's - but still have the same puc-inputs.

Assuming the 7-40Mk3  has not been updated to BD or has an built in HD DVB T2/C/S2 module:

A BV 7-40MK3 is offering 4 HDMI sockets that can be assigned to any of the 6 AV inputs.
The 6 PUC outputs are (other than on a BV10) "directly coupled" to the correponding AV input.  

A HDMI Expander like ther "Atlona" has always to be connected to HDMI "C"
HDMI "C" changes then to "C1", "C2", "C3" and "C4"
These "sub inputs" can also be freely assigned to any of the 6 AV inputs.

The expander is controlled via IR Control OUT (IR 1 + 2) socket of the television
using the
Y-splitter B&O Item 7229212 and being connecting to the “Gold” terminal.

So you`'ll have 6 external HDMI sources beeing puc controlled and 1 more HDMI source
which can only be selected manually without puc control.  





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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 3:37 PM

I would agree, but I think it is not possible to assign ONE PUC connection to DIFFERENT devices in the connections menue of BV 7.



Yes, thats true, but when define centre for an AV-socket you have more than one SOURCE assigned to one AV-Port. For every source you can assign it's own PUC definition, going through the same IR-connector, when the source gets activated.



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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 3:43 PM

So you`'ll have 6 external HDMI sources beeing puc controlled and 1 more HDMI source
which can only be selected manually without puc control.  

To work around the limitation of manual switching, you can use a Lintronic box.


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Hi Millemissen,


When you unlock the Matrix feature on your BV 7, you then unlock the potential to control all of the connected boxes via the single PUC you are connected to. You simply set up the the list Button V.Aux 2 to control the source and then you would hit V.Aux 2 +01 or 02 or 03 to correspond to the input you are bringing up. The System 3 once the Matrix feature is unlocked will then hold that input for the matrix, switch the input of the matrix to the desired input and switch the PUC table to the correct input every time you change source through that input. I hope that makes sense to you?

Ah, you know... A little B&O here, a little there 

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Flensborg, Denmark
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BeoMegaMan, many thanks for the explanation - it makes sens to me.

BUT it is not relevant to my question.

This is not about the (Atlona) matrix switch - but about the normal (Atlona) switch!

Or rather:about how to get enough PUC-connections for your connected devices.

Vienna, many thanks! The point seems to be:  on the BV7-40 (MI3) the PUC's aren't free configurable - like on a BV10 ( as well as on my own BV8-40).

If I (or rather my friend) could use the PUC from the group, where his B&O-VCR is connected together with one of the free HDMI-ports (with the VCR and the ATV assigned to two different 'buttons' on the Beo4) everything would be ok!?

If that is not possible, my friend suggested - as a 'last possibility' - to let the B&O-VCR and the ATV both be connected to the same AV-group and assigned to the same button - AND change the settings if/when he wishes to use the VCR.   ----  Does this make sense?

hfat, thanks  - the 'trick' with the stereo-splitter for the PUC-cable MUST be tested.

Would be great if you could do that - when you have the time Smile

Greetings Millemissen

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Flensborg, Denmark
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BeoMegaMan, many thanks for the explanation - it makes sens to me.

BUT it is not relevant to my question.

This is not about the (Atlona) matrix switch - but about the normal (Atlona) switch!

Or rather:about how to get enough PUC-connections for your connected devices.

Vienna, many thanks! The point seems to be:  on the BV7-40 (MI3) the PUC's aren't free configurable - like on a BV10 ( as well as on my own BV8-40).

If I (or rather my friend) could use the PUC from the group, where his B&O-VCR is connected together with one of the free HDMI-ports (with the VCR and the ATV assigned to two different 'buttons' on the Beo4) everything would be ok!?

If that is not possible, my friend suggested - as a 'last possibility' - to let the B&O-VCR and the ATV both be connected to the same AV-group and assigned to the same button - AND change the settings if/when he wishes to use the VCR.   ----  Does this make sense?

hfat, thanks  - the 'trick' with the stereo-splitter for the PUC-cable MUST be tested.

Would be great if you could do that - when you have the time Smile

Greetings Millemissen


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I have received a picture/drawing of how things are connected to the BV7-40.

Writing on my iPad - it seems there is no way to post this picture with the iPad, so I will have to wait untill tomorrow to do it on my MAC.

Does anyone know, if it is possible to post a picture direkt from the iPad?

'Off-topic question' - I know - but would be niice if that would work Stick out tongue

Greetings Millemissen

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Raeuber replied on Thu, Mar 14 2013 9:28 PM

Yes, thats true, but when define centre for an AV-socket you have more than one SOURCE assigned to one AV-Port. For every source you can assign it's own PUC definition, going through the same IR-connector, when the source gets activated.


Hello hfat,

thanks for this information, to assign CENTRE is a really new option for me. I tried it on my BV 7-40 3D, and yes, you can assign 6 sources with different buttons and different PUCs to only 1 AV connection. And it should work with an IR splitter if there are no conflicts with IR commands.

Additionally, I assume the CENTRE option should also work with sources connected only to one HDMI socket by using a normal HDMI splitter instead of HDMI expander. But I can't check it out, because I have neither a HDMI splitter nor an IR splitter.


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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Fri, Mar 15 2013 6:14 AM

Hi Robber Smile

Additionally, I assume the CENTRE option should also work with sources connected only to one HDMI socket by using a normal HDMI splitter instead of HDMI expander. But I can't check it out, because I have neither a HDMI splitter nor an IR splitter.

Basically you are right, but you need to use and HDMI switch. If the swich has an autoswitch feature and you configure power control for the sources as "power off when changing source", you don't need a PUC.

I use this configuration, as I have more sources than AV-connections. To avaoid manual switching I use a Lintronic box. Have a look at Vienna's post and my reply.


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Hi again,

back on my MAC - here comes the picture of the setup.

Hope you understand what is connected - written in danishStick out tongue

Question is: for the ATV can he use the PUC of either the AV1 (where the B&O-VCR is connected),

or the AV5 (is only used for digital sound-in/DAB,PC and non-B&O-CD) in combination with the HDMI A or B?

Hope the question makes sense?

Greetings Millemissen

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Raeuber replied on Fri, Mar 15 2013 7:08 PM
Hi Millemissen,

on my BV 7-40 3D I can assign CENTRE to AV 1. If this is also possible on your BV 7, it should work. Connect ATV to a free HDMI port and assign both sources (ATV and B&O VCR) with CENTRE option to AV 1 as described by hfat. Don't forget to set HDMI connection in first page of the connection menu (AV 1). ATV will be remoted via PUC cable connected to AV 1, B&O VCR will still be remoted via Scart connection (no PUC cable needed).

Good luck!


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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Fri, Mar 15 2013 7:18 PM

Hi Millemissen,

as Vienna posted "The 6 PUC outputs are (other than on a BV10) "directly coupled" to the correponding AV input.  "

So he has no option to use unsued PUC sockets in combination with other AV sockets, but he could do the following:

Swap AV1 and AV2 (EDIT: Räuber was faster, if you can setup AV1 as Centre forget about this step, on my BS3 I can setup only AV2,3 as centre)

Redefinde AV2 (or AV1) (VCR) as Centre and define the sub sources V.MEM for VCR and E.g. DTV2 for ATV using PUC.

I use exactly this configuration on AV2 for VCR + BluRay


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That must be tried out - but unfortunatly I will have to wait until the first week in April.

Many thanks for your help - appreciate this very much Yes - thumbs up


In my opinion this is a central theme for B&O-owners/BeoWorlders - a genuine example of what a Bang & Olufsen product is capable of.

Which other brand could give us such possibilities to tweak the setup and still use the one and only remote: Beo4! 

Greetings Millemissen


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beolion replied on Fri, Mar 15 2013 10:15 PM


If you buy the Atlona switch, you have several more HDMI's - but still have the same puc-inputs.


Is it still possible to buy a compatible Gefen switch instead of the Altona, I can see that my dealer has installed PUC codes for 3 Gefen and 2 Altona systems on my BV7.

Btw, thanks for this thread, I am very happy to know what options my BV7 gives me, and I am positively surprised (especially with the CENTRAL option). And thanks for the very good and detailed answers.


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