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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Odds on Tue, staying, leaving or being sacked

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StUrrock Posted: Tue, Mar 26 2013 9:40 PM
OK now open for bids put your money where you mouth is.....
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Puncher replied on Tue, Mar 26 2013 9:45 PM

Can I bet on Mourinho taking over??

Bring on the chosen one!Laughing

Ban boring signatures!

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StUrrock replied on Tue, Mar 26 2013 9:49 PM

Can I bet on Mourinho taking over??

Bring on the chosen one!

Ban boring signatures!

Or Maybe Tue could recreate the famous Kevin Keegan rant ....
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Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Tue, Mar 26 2013 9:57 PM


Can I bet on Mourinho taking over??

Bring on the chosen one!Laughing


B&O is going through a phase like Liverpool FC. Keep changing the manager. Keep under-achieving. Glory days were the 1970's. Undercapitalised. Overtaken by ManUre. 

Both need managers who understand their customers/ fans.


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StUrrock replied on Tue, Mar 26 2013 10:05 PM
It may be interesting to note that an anagram of Tue Mantoni is;

Team Inn Out
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Alsace 🇨🇵
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BeoBoy68 replied on Tue, Mar 26 2013 10:28 PM
Bang & Olufsen need a passionate manager about the brand. Mantoni should leave his place and made marathons only !
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StUrrock replied on Tue, Mar 26 2013 10:32 PM
Are the crowd chanting, after an appartent series of home defeats;

"Tue Out, Tue Out...."?
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moxxey replied on Tue, Mar 26 2013 10:37 PM


B&O is going through a phase like Liverpool FC. 

I don't think B&O is a top five performing Premiership football club, in the league of technology companies :) Their turnover is relatively small.

For me, Tue will remain this year. It takes many long months for a new CEO to make their impact, so I don't think they'll want to rock this boat, just yet, at this stage.

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Jeff replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 12:11 AM

Wonderful Electric's parents will buy it for him and put him in charge...Crying


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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And pay him Tue's salary: $8,100,000Gift

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jk1002 replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 3:09 AM

Is he really doing that bad of a job?


Everybody was asking for cheaper products as an entry into the brand, now you have Beoplay and it seems to be selling.


The TV range doesn't look half bad to me, the speaker line up is awesome.


Note that a companies cash flow drives how much can be done in product development and to fix/improve that will take some time and maybe some rough steps.

Sacking the guy probably does not do anything at all 


Lets just hope they are able to cash flow, retain most of their shops and keep products coming where it makes sense.

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Alsace 🇨🇵
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BeoBoy68 replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 3:57 AM
Thanks MediaBobNY for the link. It is outrageous to see the salary of Mantoni I understand now why Beo products are so expensive.
Aussie Michael
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It may be interesting to note that an anagram of Tue Mantoni is;

Team Inn Out

So is...

U meant it, no?

Give the man a chance! He hasn't been in long.

Imagine the intrenched thinking that he would be up against.

He is passionate about the brand you can hear that in his tone of his voice.

I'm sure there is a good product plan in place that we just don't know about yet.

What they should focus on is their customer service policies then the rest will naturally follow.


OMG it's hot here today in Melbourne

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moxxey replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 7:26 AM


And pay him Tue's salary: $8,100,000Gift

If that's correct, I despair, really. I know CEOs can attract a top six-figure salary, but seven-figures?

Even the CFO and others are on $3.5 million each. Maybe they should start slicing at the top, before they cut at the bottom.

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linder replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 8:26 AM

I went looking around on the internet to check on CEO salaries especially since the recession.  i did find one that was interesting which is Dan Akerson the CEO of General Motors.  Dan Akerson  received $2.53 million in compensation in 2010. 

Akerson received a base salary of $566,667, $194,088 for serving on the company's board of directors and $1.8 million in stock rewards. Akerson's compensation package is approximately $9 million per year. Akerson has been credited with helping GM make money and for taking the company public shortly after he assumed his present position as CEO.

If this is all to be believed, Tue Mantoni and Henning Bejer Beck CFO are vastly over paid

The euro crisis which is expected to last for at least a few more years is making things worse.

I expect that Bang and Olufsen will be sold to a private equity company.  The new holding company is more likely to shake up B&O and produce new products.  There is precedence of for this,  Fine Sounds of Milan, Italy recently purchased McIntosh labs In the US.  They also own other AV companies.

Drastic steps to take but it is one way for Bang and Olufsen to continue

Chris Townsend
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It is a lot of money, but discussing somebody's private income, and possible sacking is rather distasteful.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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moxxey replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 9:42 AM

Chris Townsend:
It is a lot of money, but discussing somebody's private income, and possible sacking is rather distasteful.

When it's made public and people have shares in the business, it's there to be questioned, in my opinion, particularly if a company isn't performing as expected (and shareholders won't get the dividend they expected).

There was a big discussion in one of our companies recently where the MD received a £355,000 bonus, whereas the average employee received....a £500 bonus, in the same financial year. Didn't make the employees feel special, when there is such a huge difference in bonus payment.

I know some people really hate talking salaries (I have a friend who will never go near the subject!), but when a person is there to represent the shareholders, who have put money in to the company, sadly the discussion is still relevant. Particularly when their board is on around £10 million+, which represents a very high proportion of the company income.

Chris Townsend
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I agree the bonus thing is now almost a given even for poor performance, and totally disproportionate.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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TWG replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 10:16 AM

Tue Mantoni needs to go! He's damaging the brand!

I can make this job better! Big Smile

At the current semester at my university I'm in "Turnaround Management" course to learn how to deal in a GOOD way with companies that need to be rescued, how to find ideas to keep them going, how to manage the company and I can tell you: Nobody of the professors tells us "Just throw the people out, kill all products and shut down as many stores as possible. Oh, and AVOID good customer service!" Stick out tongue

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Alsace 🇨🇵
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BeoBoy68 replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 11:45 AM
+1 TWG ;-)
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If called upon, I will serve.

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Flappo replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 2:30 PM

That will be the end of bno. lol

I don't think Tue's the problem - its the useless designers they've chosen after the passing of DL - that's the problem

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Alsace 🇨🇵
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BeoBoy68 replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 3:48 PM
Where is the astonishment Wouah! from B&O ? The audio range is empty now and TVs have dust and are overpriced. Only home speakers and products for luxury cars are fine. Shame & sad. Mantoni out !
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linder replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 4:17 PM

Where is the astonishment Wouah! from B&O ? The audio range is empty now and TVs have dust and are overpriced. Only home speakers and products for luxury cars are fine. Shame & sad. Mantoni out !

Products for luxury cars could change quickly.  Burmester Audio of Germany will be the high end audio option for the new model S Mercedes Benz.  I had thought MB would have chosen B&O because AMG is using B&O.

There is still time.  All is not lost yet at B&O.  The new products might be really great.  The closing of the stores problem could ease as well as the euro problems.  Things could be much better in 6 months time.

As for a new music player, I wouldn't consider it even if it had a great design.  My music player will be a Mac Mini and iTunes connected to an HDMI port on a BV11 and Beolab 9s.  Almost all my iTunes files are in Apple lossless format.  There are other choices of course but my point is a stand alone music player is pointless and not very appealing.  I have already experienced a music player with my Beosound 5 which was about $6000 when I bought it.


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Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 4:31 PM

On that salary he is milking the company. He must have had a good sales pitch at the time of appointment, and the Board must have been desperate.

There's a financial crisis coming and Cyprus is the beginning. These guys at the top with multi million salaries and bonuses aren't going to be there for too long. Too many top salaries have been justified by making comparisons with salaries in the banking industry....... Totally unsustainable.


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PeterC replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 4:42 PM

I have to say that the only thing that I can see that is exceptional about many of the products today is the price. They are not sufficiently distinguished and I would be loathed to spend serious money on products from a company that may not be there in five years time, when the warantee is needed


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"Mantoni should leave his place and made marathons only !"

Excuse me - is this some kind of crusade you are preparing for in this thread?

Grrr! Millemissen

There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 5:01 PM

The 2011/12 annual report gives the total Board and Management remuneration, including shares, as 3.5+ 19.3=22.8 DKK m. That's about $3.9m or £2.6m.

So maybe that US Reuters listed salary should be in Kroner and isn't in $ at all.

So is Tue on $8m or nearer $1.4m? The latter would still seem to be on the high side judging by the state of B&O!


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moxxey replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 5:57 PM


There's a financial crisis coming and Cyprus is the beginning. 

I'm dreading this. Our March sales are down on February (and February was a quiet month), which is unprecedented. Usually March is a decent month, the start of Spring, people feeling optimistic, tax bills behind the self-employed etc.

There is a lot of unknown wary pessimism around about the future. I read this morning that gas and food bills could rise by 30% over the next few months, due to the extended winter/cold weather. This plus uncertainty over places such as Cyprus, are causing people to be a little wary of committing to making big purchases.

Mind you, on the subject of purchases, I still want a black-framed BV10-32 and no-one can find me one.

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moxxey replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 6:04 PM


The 2011/12 annual report gives the total Board and Management remuneration...

I think that's their bonus, shares and so on. Their wage will be fixed, but they will be assigned a bonus, depending on their personal performance, company performance and so on. So, $3.9 million shared across the top level management.

I'd assume the figures linked to above, on Reuters,  includes everything from that financial year (basic fixed wage, bonus, share allocation etc) for each board member.

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expoman replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 6:09 PM

Just buy a can of black spray paint.  No one will notice the difference.  Big Smile

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moxxey replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 6:53 PM


Just buy a can of black spray paint.  No one will notice the difference.  Big Smile

Erm, my dealer suggested the same thing!

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Alsace 🇨🇵
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BeoBoy68 replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 8:55 PM
Moxxey ask STB brackets to made one black frame for you. Gavin will help you seriously. Forget Bang & Olufsen's service !
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moxxey replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 9:12 PM

Moxxey ask STB brackets to made one black frame for you. Gavin will help you seriously. Forget Bang & Olufsen's service !

Thanks, I might do - that will mean removing the frame though and we know what that leads to: dust under the glass.

I've derailed the thread about Tue. I'll smack the back of one hand!

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Dude1 replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 9:55 PM

You are an amazing fickle lot! Happy to pick apart the company you all seem to be interested in at every opportunity. With a community like this, i would command a similar salary as Tue has done. Trying to keep you all somewhat happy is a mountain no one could overcome- none of you seem happy with B&O at all one day from the next!'

All the best

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Puncher replied on Wed, Mar 27 2013 10:04 PM


You are an amazing fickle lot! Happy to pick apart the company you all seem to be interested in at every opportunity. With a community like this, i would command a similar salary as Tue has done. Trying to keep you all somewhat happy is a mountain no one could overcome- none of you seem happy with B&O at all one day from the next!'

All the best

Fine - but B&O are in a hole and it looks to be very, very difficult to plot a way out of the mire to wonderland - ignoring or refraining to comment on this doesn't make it much of a fan forum!!

Ban boring signatures!

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Dude1 replied on Thu, Mar 28 2013 2:18 AM



It's easy to comment sitting from the sidelines. There is plenty happening within Struer, so don't despair too much. There has been huge change over the past decades and it will continue to accelerate!

I just find it funny that some many people are so flippant. 

Aussie Michael
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I don't think Tue's the problem - its the useless designers they've chosen after the passing of DL - that's the problem

Interestingly, I think the designers since DL has been their high point.  The company was feted for quite some time prior. 

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moxxey replied on Thu, Mar 28 2013 7:36 AM


Happy to pick apart the company you all seem to be interested in at every opportunity....

Yep, you've found us out, we're all trolls. B&O buying trolls :)

Seriously, there are also a handful of people on here who are incredibly over-positive about the brand and defend at all costs. It balances itself out, so live and let live. Us customers are just concerned - hell, even my dealer is concerned!

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Puncher replied on Thu, Mar 28 2013 8:14 AM




It's easy to comment sitting from the sidelines. There is plenty happening within Struer, so don't despair too much. There has been huge change over the past decades and it will continue to accelerate!

I just find it funny that some many people are so flippant. 

Its great that new and exciting things are happening, I'm sure all here are looking forward to them with bated breath.

I too find it funny that some many people are so flippant ..... but in a funny haha way - without it the world would be far too grey!

Ban boring signatures!

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