ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi guys Im a brand new memebr here and reuqire some sub woofer help.
I`m in Melbourne (Australia) and have a few B&O products.
My question is as follows , I have a B&O 3200 ( cd player ) and a set of B&O 8000 speakers and Im looking for a sub woofer to connect.
Ideally i would like a B&O Beolab2 but at $5325 AUD its a little too much . I was wondering if i could by any other powered sub like a Dali ect.. and plug it in??
If so
A. Is it simple?
B.And how does one do it?
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks Steve
Hi Steve,
Welcome to the forum. Have you considered a used BeoLab 2? I don't know what the Australian market is like but in the UK there are plenty of these circulating in the used market. I picked up a mint 2007 unit with an original box for well under half the new cost.
Thanks mate will look into a second hand unit . Reason i wanted to get like a Dali or Sherwood ect.. was the price at which i can get thme for through work . But if a Beolab2 in Australia comes up around $2000 im there.
Thanks Again
Or just ask Steve at SoundsHeavenly...
(look at the ad below)
They come up every 6 months or so for around 2K on Aus ebay. If not buy a lab 2 from O/S. Probably cheaper option.