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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beo5 software

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This post has 11 Replies | 2 Followers

Top 500 Contributor
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chti59 Posted: Sun, Apr 21 2013 11:01 PM


I just bought a beo5 as I have more and more b&o products to make work together. The beo 4 was getting tough to use. going through the list to get to vtape2 etc... I have kids and hate to use it with the HDR1.

So I told myself beo5 is the way to go as you could program it and turning all toguether at once.

well I started to check online for the software and only dead links to megaupload. Then I read on the forum that it is only a dealer software.

I use b&o for more than 30 years now and this is the first time I disagree with b&o on their politics.

Not even shure if they have the wright to do this. Then I checked for a DVD2 I fixed, you also need a software I think to program it did not read all the service manual yet. So I cannot use it as it is in a language I do not unsderstand (flamish).

So if anyone could be some help feel free to PM.

I wrote an mail to B&O customer service this weekend so I wait for their reply.

Top 200 Contributor
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BeoHut replied on Sun, Apr 21 2013 11:32 PM
Search this forum for the latest CT 6.00.02 for programming your Beo5. You will find it. Suc6!
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chti59 replied on Mon, Apr 22 2013 2:05 PM

Thanks beohut found it by googling it with cd6....

Installed on a old XP so I do not get in trouble.

Then just configure the remote with one room with a beovison 5.

It upload's everything correctly, no error, then I press "DONE", but nothing changes on the remote. Tried hard reset, then I have reas that it could be a charging battery !!!

I checked on the about button of the config tool and it says firmware : 0.00a (must be a problem there no ?)

Checked on pc the devices and the beo5 is correctly installed

I keep searching...

Top 50 Contributor
200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Mon, Apr 22 2013 4:08 PM

Are you sure, you have finalized your configuration?

Sounds like you have just validated...

0:0a will be diplayed if no Beo5/6 is connected/detected. USB driver problem?


Top 500 Contributor
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chti59 replied on Mon, Apr 22 2013 5:23 PM


Sorry my mistake must not have placed beo5 correctly on the stand.

But still nothing uploading to the remote. 

When downloading (why not uploading ???) I can see the beo5 reacting but always a standart screen coming up,not mine. I do not have any error coming up.

Firmware version 1.45b

hardware revision 7

supported version 0.46

Has configuration Yes

If that helps

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200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Mon, Apr 22 2013 5:40 PM

fw 1.45 is a very early one. Should be 3.00 for CT 6.0

Try again wit CT 5.12.

Hope that helps


Top 500 Contributor
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chti59 replied on Mon, Apr 22 2013 6:15 PM

Thanks for your help stefan

I do not have 5.12 and the links to rapidshare on the forum I found are dead.

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
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When downloading (why not uploading ???) I can see the beo5 reacting but always a standart screen coming up,not mine. I do not have any error coming up.

You will get the "Standard" setting if your Beo5 config is set to Default.

Press the red DOT (Standby) and the centre button at the same time. In setup select "Config" then select "Custom" and press "Store"

Now download your configuration..

Regards Keith....

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chti59 replied on Mon, Apr 22 2013 6:34 PM

Hi Keith

Many Thanks, that did it, now I understand better.

Just still have to find the software for the DVD2 as the one I bought is in flamish, and that is not a language that I can read.


Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

Just still have to find the software for the DVD2 as the one I bought is in flamish, and that is not a language that I can read.

There is no requirement to change software in the DVD2.

You need to set the DVD2 back to "Virgin Mode" so that when it is next powered up it goes through its one time setup of which the first question is "Your Language"

DVD 2 has several ‘Built-in Service Modes’ numbered 1 to 7

  • 1 is End User/Dealer Test
  • 2 and 3 Player Diagnostics provided you have a service cable connected.
  • 4 and 5 provide forced software downloads
  • 6 is a Trade Mode
  • 7 is reset DVD2 to Virgin Mode

To activate "Virgin Mode" unplug DVD2 at mains socket and wait for a minute or so, press and hold S3 (Standby button) and while holding button switch mains back on.

Regards Keith....

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chti59 replied on Tue, Apr 23 2013 10:39 PM

Thank's a lot again Keith

pressing S3 worked like a charm.

But what is S7 then as Virgin mode as stated above ???

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

But what is S7 then as Virgin mode as stated above ???

I did not say S7, this is "Mode" 7 which uses S3 as you have apparently done.

Regards Keith....

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