ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
NL/ML Converter not working, hoping those of you with more experience can help.
My setup is as follows:
BS9000 (with BL8000 directly connected) has a ML connection directly to NL/ML converter.
NL/ML Converter connected to Apple Airport Extreme.
BV11-55 connected to Airport Extreme.
BS9000 standalone works just fine, BV11 works fine, including Webmedia etc. so pretty sure the connection between BV11 and Airport Extreme is fine (Youtube streaming from iPad fine, BeoRemote app works etc.)
The BV11 also definitely 'sees' the NL/ML Converter, it allows me to select it in the Product Integration B&O Connect submenu.
Yet when I select AV > Radio / Cd etc. on Beo4 I get a screen that displays Radio From Beolink Converte NL/ML and then after a short while it says Failed... Grrrrr...
I once or twice had it showing Connecting (in lieu of failed) but that also changed to Failed after 30 seconds or so.
Some thoughts,
Do I have to connect the equipment in a specific sequence?
Do I have the turn the bits and pieces on in a specific sequence?
What is the function of the reset button on the NL/ML Converter? (If you press and hold, the small green Light goes dark and then flashes red once - if I release it changes back to green. If I keep holding it flashes red twice, three times etc. does that make a difference?)
Should the BV 11 / BS900 be in particular option settings? BV11 currently Option 1 and BS9000 also option 1 since although technically in two rooms it's an open plan environment so any keypress on the remote is seen by both.
Any thoughts?
PS. The Airport Extreme is set up as a router (i.e. it has DHCP active and issues IP's handles NAT etc.) - direct cable connection from the WAN Port to Internet. I assume this is correct - saw a diagram to this effect somewhere on this forum.
1983beo:Berlin Update your ml-nl converter and the problem is solved. As the tv has new software 1-2weeks ago and won't work with an not updated nl converter. When update the converter also put the checkbox automatic updates on. So this won't happend next time.
Update your ml-nl converter and the problem is solved. As the tv has new software 1-2weeks ago and won't work with an not updated nl converter.
When update the converter also put the checkbox automatic updates on. So this won't happend next time.
Apologies if the answer is obvious, but how do i update the NL/ML converter?
Answered my own question - never dawned on me to look for a HTML user interface.... got that far; busy updating software now. Thanks
Another question for those in the know. Can i (should I?) see the names of the different radio stations on my BV11 when using it via NL/ML converter?
On the BS9000 all the stations have names but the BV11 simply displays 'Radio' in the middle of the screen... even a simple station1, station 2 etc. would've been nice when changing stations.
Thanks 1983beo. Something to look forward to in a future software update perhaps.
Hi Guys,
Just bought the NL/ML converter and I am having similar problems as berlin2010. BeoVision 11 clearly detects the converter and starts the television up when I press CD on my BeoCenter 2, but after a short while it says "failed". The solution should be updating the BeoLink converter but how do I do this? I can not seem to find any HTML interface for the converter as Berlin2010 talks about.
In the menus I only seem to find the BeoVision 11 TV firmware update which is already set to automatic update.
BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)
Frederik Beoberg: In the menus I only seem to find the BeoVision 11 TV firmware update which is already set to automatic update.
Using a standard RJ45 cable, connect a computer directly to the ethernet port of the converter.Start your browser and access the ML/NL-Converter via it's HTML user interface.
The converter should by default be set to 'autoupdate' - if so, it is already utodate.
You can check this by accessing the web interface of the NL/ML....(as Vienna describes).
What colour is the status led on the converter, when you get the 'failed' message?
Did you set it up yourself?
Greetings Millemissen
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Thanks for the quick responses! I bought on sale at a stock clearout from an B&O in-store, so no service at home. I understand that I have to connect the converter to my PC, but how do I access the interface? Do I have to put in an IP address or something in the browser as with a router? The LED on the converter is steady green.
The converter gets (if it is set as default) an IP adress. You should be able to find it on your network.
Connecting it directly to a pc is one way (as Vienna wrote).
You could also (if all is connected to a wireless router) do the following:
- Open the Internet Browser on the iPad/iPhone (‘Safari’).
- Enter ‘BLC-’ followed by the BeoLink Converter NL/ML serial number: BLC-XXXXXXXX.local.
The username and the password is by default 'admin' 'admin' (hopefully not changed?)
Now you can access the userinterface.
Under 'tools' you can see the softwareversion and update/set to autoupdate.
NOTE: it is recommended from Bang & Olufsen that a NL network ( including the converter) is set up wirh a seperate router as a subnetwork!
Millemissen: The converter should by default be set to 'autoupdate' - if so, it is already utodate
The converter should by default be set to 'autoupdate' - if so, it is already utodate
My converter was also set on autoupdate, but for some reason it didn't work with the last software update of the BV11. I heard from my dealer, that this problem showed up with several clients.
Beovision 11-55, Beovision 10-46, Beovision 7-40, Beocenter 6-23, Beosound 9000, Beolab 18, Beolab 19, 2xBeolab 3, Beolab 8000, Beolab 6000, Beolab 2, Beocom 6000, Beosound 3, Playmaker
- disconnect ML/NL from mains- after a few seconds restore power and wait till the LED stops flashing green - using your browser enter: a log in screen opens, please enter- default user name: admin- default pwd: admin
I have access to the interface now, thanks! It says that the software version is Automatic update was set disabled. But when I ask to update the software it does nothing.
Frederik, I am sure you will have to describe how your setup is/how the converter is connected to your network to get further help!
Converter is connected to the BV11 with RJ45 from the ethernet port. Cable goes to my router (Zyxel) and from there to the NL/ML converter with RJ45 aswell. The NL/ML is hooked up to the socket unit of my BeoCenter 2 with masterlink. I have tried with an extra router as you mention, Millemissen, but without any luck. As when I access the user interface I just plug in an ethernet cable from the Network link plug from the NL/ML converter to my PC. Which slot should I use for connecting the NL/ML to my router then?
Does this mean that:
The converter is directly connected to the BV11?
If yes, how is the tv connected to the internet?
If you can wait half an hour/one hour, please? Then I will be back!
I will have to change to my Mac, this is too much for the iPad - might post a couple of pictures as well.
Greetings MM
Hi Millemissen,
No, both the BV11 and the converter is connected to the same router (BV11 gets internet with WLAN connection). I would be a huge help with some pictures. I'll wait for those :)
Frederik Beoberg: I have access to the interface now, thanks! It says that the software version is Automatic update was set disabled. But when I ask to update the software it does nothing.
Obviously, as long as your ML/NL is directly conneted to the PC, there is no internet connection ... After having set automatic update to "on", restore your "standard wiring" via router.Then your converter can access your network and is also able to get updates via internet.
The update may take up to an hour ...
Hurray, It's a micracle! Everything works now The converter updated itself when reconnected to the BV11. Thank you so much!!
Then I will stay on my iPad futher on 😉
I still have the same problem that you had. How do you exactly update the software of the NL/ML converter? Is there a way to see what software version it is running?
I found it :)