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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Novel uses for an AV7000?

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Playdrv4me Posted: Tue, Jun 11 2013 8:37 AM

I read in another thread that someone considered using one of these as an input expander for the BM7000, and I think I like this idea because it provides a few more RCA line level jacks if I'm not mistaken. 

These things pop up on the cheap here in their "native" North America market all the time and I have to admit I am always a sucker for any B&O thing with those gorgeous dot matrix vacuum FL displays. I mean they have gone so cheap on occasion its actually not much more than buying 3 or 4 of those DIN to RCA input adapter cables. 

So how would this work? Would you plug the devices into the free RCAs on the back of the AV7000, leave it in Stereo only mode (does it have such a setting) and then use the PL out to the TV AUX of the BM7000 or what? Does input selection on the AV7000 only work with very early or very late BL1000s?

I get the feeling this is a pretty, but rather impractical device unless you are dead set on having a Dolby PL surround unless I am not understanding something correctly.


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cooldude replied on Tue, Jun 11 2013 3:38 PM

This is exactly what I use mine for. Input expander.

They are often found for around $100 on ebay, if you can find them, but they are rarely in full working order.

Plenty of inputs and all B&O remotes BL1000and up will work.

You can select mono, stereo, 4 speaker and 5 speaker set ups.








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This is exactly what I use mine for. Input expander.

They are often found for around $100 on ebay, if you can find them, but they are rarely in full working order.

Plenty of inputs and all B&O remotes BL1000and up will work.

You can select mono, stereo, 4 speaker and 5 speaker set ups.








Thanks for the tips!

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beojeff replied on Wed, Jun 12 2013 1:04 PM


This is exactly what I use mine for. Input expander.

They are often found for around $100 on ebay, if you can find them, but they are rarely in full working order.

Plenty of inputs and all B&O remotes BL1000and up will work.

You can select mono, stereo, 4 speaker and 5 speaker set ups.








My understanding has been that adding the AV7000 to a BeoMaster 7000 will remove the 2-way communication that makes the BeoMaster 7000 so attractive. Is that not the case?

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cooldude replied on Wed, Jun 12 2013 2:52 PM


My understanding has been that adding the AV7000 to a BeoMaster 7000 will remove the 2-way communication that makes the BeoMaster 7000 so attractive. Is that not the case?

I used 2 way comm. on my system only for a short while, so I am unable to inform you correctly on this. I sold the BL7000 remote after a couple of weeks.

Normally you would setup the AV as the master unit with the speakers attached and the beomaster will be the slaveunit controlled by the AV. At this point you will indeed loose 2-way comm. However I set up the AV as the video master and the beomaster as the seperate audiomaster.  I toggle between the with the AV key on my remote. I have bl8000 speakers connected to the audio master just for music and have a separate set of speakers connected for surround sound on the Av7000. these are used only for tv, dvd and plex watching.

In this setup I don't think it would influence the beomasters feedback, however it will not transmit the linked av7000 info. 

The archaic 90s B&O 2way comm. was a novelty in the 90ies and even then had limited use and now long beyond true usefulness. That's what iPads etc. are for now.

Gunnar Faith-Ell
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"My understanding has been that adding the AV7000 to a BeoMaster 7000 will remove the 2-way communication that makes the BeoMaster 7000 so attractive. Is that not the case?"

No, the 2-way communication works fine with Beomaster 7000 and AV7000 if the beomaster has the last version of software. This is an EPROM that has to be exchanged in the computer board. The software version is 1.3.


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