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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


New products in the next 6-12 months

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Bv7Mk3 replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 3:57 PM
Bluray 4k,also sky have someting in the works for 2015 also next
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B&O has never been an early adopter for new technics and blu ray is EOL.

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expoman replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 4:44 PM

4k is just another 3D marketing gimmick with no material and little benefit on screens less than 85" in my opinion.

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Pushkin replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 8:21 PM

I thought similarly about 4k and 3D until recently - I think 3D actually reduces viewing pleasure but having now given 4k a try i think it is interesting - I have had my sony 65x900a for a new days now and have compared it to my outgoing Panasonic 65VT50 - I don't see much difference with SD content but HD (Sky 720) and BD (1080p) is notably better on the Sony - the upscaling is very very good.  In fact the improvement in quality and experience is on a par with the other big two 'firsts' that come to mind - the first time I switched on my Avant 32 and then watching full HD on my BV4-65.  So I understand why B&O will wait and see but think 3D should not be confused with 4k - imho the former is rubbish and the latter may well have some promise. 

One other quick thought - bought the Sony from Harrods and was amazed how much better the buying experience was than with B&O in the same store and on the same floor - bought an Beolit 12 and A9 from them recently and met with an awful "you not my ultra rich target market" attitude and staff had little knowledge of their products - huge contrast with the energy and interest of the Sony, Panasonic, Samsung staff who appeared to want to sell their products, were proud of them and were keen to discuss their technical merits - how times have changed!

Chris Townsend
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Pushkin, i have experienced this same terrible level of service on two separate occasions this year, in what for B&O should be one of their premier marketing stores when you consider the amount of wealthy footfall. 

The good folk on the Samsung and Loewe stands who were very approachable and knowledgeable, inevitably hoovered up all the people who were left to their own devices at B&O. The young man simply stood at his desk the entire time, checking out the latest Tripadvisor remarks for Vegas when i was there.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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moxxey replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 10:08 PM

Bluray 4k,also sky have someting in the works for 2015 also next

According to what Sky told us earlier this month, I quote: “We can’t put a timeframe on it and we can’t be any more committal about 4K than to say we are looking at it and testing it". There is no specific timeframe for 4K on Sky.

I wish Sky all the luck in the world with streaming 4K. They have enough trouble balancing all their HD streams. Many of the lesser HD channels are poor and even the premier channels have had to have their bandwidth halved to accommodate.

So-called "Blu-ray 4K" isn't planned until an end-of-2015/early 2016 release (see It's mid-2013. Since when has B&O lived on the bleeding edge with their traditional customerbase?

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BeoBoy68 replied on Mon, Aug 26 2013 2:02 AM
Thanks Moxxey for the Sony link ! I have seen the New Sony 4k X9 ! It is terrific and beautiful. Shame that the frame is not in aluminium.
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 Also, they have another TV coming with a speaker that sits below the screen and will rotate out of view when turned off.
 Also, on the audio side, is the new Playmaker – finally it will lose its not-so-exclusive-look and be replaced with new hardware in a much more classy wrapping.


This is some of what Roger wrote a while ago on page 15.

Newest rumours (!) I have heard are, that there will be an audiosystem ala BS5 with a glasfront and a detachable remote-thing.

And that a/the new tv will be LED and will be called V100.

Anyone knows more?

Roger - where are you now?

Maybe we will be wiser during the CES - maybe Tue will be teasing something?

Greetings Millemissen

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olvisab replied on Sun, Dec 22 2013 11:23 AM

Newest rumours (!) I have heard are, that there will be an audiosystem ala BS5 with a glasfront and a detachable remote-thing.

That is what I described a month ago in another thread : a lightweight screen without touch control.The controls are on the right side.

But I didn't know that this control could be used like a remote.That's not stupid at all.

This product is a new kind of bs5 encore.The bs5/bm5 will stay the flagship.

4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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I think we (at least I) know too lttle yet.

Could be a standalone product or could be a NL-enabled device....?

The tv? - is that a Bang & Olufsen or a B&O Play product - it is rumoured V100...?


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henrik replied on Sun, Dec 22 2013 4:37 PM

Any ideas of when the new tv may be released?

I kind of want something inbetween a v1 and a bv 11. A v1 with the possibility to add the HDD optin (from the bv11) would be great. As it is now, I'd like to get a bv11 because of the HDD option and also the design (but I like the V1 design as well, I just wish it had the contrast (?) glass), but even though I actually can afford the bv11 I can't justify buying such an expensive tv set.

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moxxey replied on Sun, Dec 22 2013 5:31 PM


Any ideas of when the new tv may be released?

I kind of want something inbetween a v1 and a bv 11.

Well, about eight months ago, my dealer was adamant a new TV, which would sit between the V1 and BV11, was going to be launched September/October 2013. It was discussed on here, too. Then, nothing. No rumours, dealer now says there's nothing coming and talk of this TV disappeared from these forums, moving on to the new speakers.

Personally, no idea what happened to this rumoured TV. Normally dealers receive an indication on what's coming in the next 6-9 months, after their conference, so nothing is happening soon. Perhaps B&O has decided to wait and see what happens with 4K and OLED? If you're a premier brand, customers would rightly expect you to support forthcoming standards and as 4K/OLED hasn't settled, little point bringing out a brand new TV, followed by a 4K panelled-version a few months later? Just a thought. Might be completely wrong!

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henrik replied on Sun, Dec 22 2013 7:30 PM

Personally, no idea what happened to this rumoured TV. Normally dealers receive an indication on what's coming in the next 6-9 months, after their conference, so nothing is happening soon. Perhaps B&O has decided to wait and see what happens with 4K and OLED? If you're a premier brand, customers would rightly expect you to support forthcoming standards and as 4K/OLED hasn't settled, little point bringing out a brand new TV, followed by a 4K panelled-version a few months later? Just a thought. Might be completely wrong!

Good point, that could very well be the case.

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Roger replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 7:07 AM

Factory 5 is under some pressure. After pushing their B1's for a lack of sales, both the BV11 and the new BL18 now sell too well compared to the capacity. At "the 5" they have ramped up the production of the BV11 using 3 shifts 7 days a week (24/7 production) and they still can not meet the demand. This situation alone will cause some delays for new products.

The BV7-replacement is still due at Easter with the smalles screen size coming to the market first, followed by the medium sized one in May and the 85" in June.

The 4k thing, considered to be another 3D failure by some, is taking off and B&O have noticed this. The V-series will get by without 4k, due to the screen sizes and price point, but anything in the £10k+ range may be hard to shift without 4k in late 2014. And with players such as Netflix coming out with 4k the wish for new next gen hardware will be there.


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Steph replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 9:19 AM

Thanks Roger for the infos.

And do you have any infos about the new sound system ?

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Roger replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 9:37 AM

Millemissen is spot on wrt the new sound system. I am not that impressed, but I gues it will improve the daily operation and in that respect it will be good. The system will end up on your living room table, and it will be easy to separate it from the other tablets floating around - but wil it be necessary? It is a merge of a BeoSound 5 and a tablet, part glass and part aluminium.


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Raeuber replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 9:54 AM
I think next year it will be impossible for any brand to sell a TV for more than 5.000 EUR without 4K.
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ptbb replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 10:45 AM
New beovision 7 will be oled or 4k?

what about new beolab 7-x?

Beovision 12 65, Beovision 11 55 Mk II, Beoplay V1 40, Beosound 5 Encore, Beolab 9,beolab 18, Beolab 19, Beoplay A8, Beoplay A9

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Roger replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 10:54 AM

The current plan is nor OLED or 4k, but B&O may have to reconsider...

There will be no BL 7-x, the new speaker is hidden behind the telly and will rotate (under the tv) into view and then extend to both sides. Very slick. The speaker will not be as wide as the tv, and about as tiny as the one under the 12-65. The true party trick is the link stand, that will move the tv from the wall as it rotates...


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ptbb replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 11:32 AM
and what about built in brd player and beosystem 4 with wireless sound?

when will bo incorparate wireles sound into beosystem 4?

and last question - new beolab 5?

Beovision 12 65, Beovision 11 55 Mk II, Beoplay V1 40, Beosound 5 Encore, Beolab 9,beolab 18, Beolab 19, Beoplay A8, Beoplay A9

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lano replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 3:31 PM

Millemissen is spot on wrt the new sound system. I am not that impressed, but I gues it will improve the daily operation and in that respect it will be good. The system will end up on your living room table, and it will be easy to separate it from the other tablets floating around - but wil it be necessary? It is a merge of a BeoSound 5 and a tablet, part glass and part aluminium.


What will happen to Beosound 5, will it be NL enabled or end-of-life?
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Flensborg, Denmark
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There will be no BL 7-x, the new speaker is hidden behind the telly and will rotate (under the tv) into view and then extend to both sides. Very slick. The speaker will not be as wide as the tv, and about as tiny as the one under the 12-65. .

i wonder if they then stay half the way in vertical position, when used as a center speaker in a surround setup Confused


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koning replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 4:44 PM


What will happen to Beosound 5, will it be NL enabled or end-of-life?

Very good question!

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tournedos replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 4:50 PM

the new speaker is hidden behind the telly and will rotate (under the tv) into view and then extend to both sides. Very slick. (......) The true party trick is the link stand, that will move the tv from the wall as it rotates...

I get it now...


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I don't know - but my thoughts are...

...that it will stay (they have spend much time updating it lately) and it gets NL-enabled.

But we shouldn't expect that the ML-support will stay as well.


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the new speaker is hidden behind the telly and will rotate (under the tv) into view and then extend to both sides.

I get it now...

Fly, fly on the wings of love.


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when will bo incorparate wireles sound into beosystem 4?

They will not incorporate the new WISA into the BeoSystem 4 as it is viewed to be a rack mounted product, most likely positioned quite a ways away from the monitor. With it modular you can then get the wireless Transmitter closer if needed to said area. 

Ah, you know... A little B&O here, a little there 

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ptbb replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 9:01 PM

ok, and new beolab 5?


Beovision 12 65, Beovision 11 55 Mk II, Beoplay V1 40, Beosound 5 Encore, Beolab 9,beolab 18, Beolab 19, Beoplay A8, Beoplay A9

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ptbb replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 9:01 PM

ok, and new beolab 5?


Beovision 12 65, Beovision 11 55 Mk II, Beoplay V1 40, Beosound 5 Encore, Beolab 9,beolab 18, Beolab 19, Beoplay A8, Beoplay A9

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ptbb replied on Mon, Dec 23 2013 9:02 PM

and new beolab 5?

Beovision 12 65, Beovision 11 55 Mk II, Beoplay V1 40, Beosound 5 Encore, Beolab 9,beolab 18, Beolab 19, Beoplay A8, Beoplay A9

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Jeano replied on Tue, Feb 25 2014 6:45 PM

New lab 5??? When? 

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moxxey replied on Tue, Feb 25 2014 8:54 PM


New lab 5??? When? 

There was rumoured to be a new speaker *above* the BL5s. Was discussed about a year ago. News seems to have dropped off the radar lately.

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ptbb replied on Tue, Feb 25 2014 9:17 PM
and beolab 5 will be discontinued (like beolab 9) or updated?

Beovision 12 65, Beovision 11 55 Mk II, Beoplay V1 40, Beosound 5 Encore, Beolab 9,beolab 18, Beolab 19, Beoplay A8, Beoplay A9

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Normann replied on Tue, Feb 25 2014 10:31 PM

What will replace the beolab 9??

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BeoBoy68 replied on Tue, Feb 25 2014 10:43 PM
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Normann replied on Tue, Feb 25 2014 10:50 PM

??? So it will be a huge gap between BL18 and BL5!! Hmmm... Sounds strange....

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What will replace the beolab 9??

A new speaker most probably, no?

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Roger replied on Thu, Feb 27 2014 8:45 AM

There will be a new and updated version of the BeoLab 9 available, with an updated design and wireless capability integrated.


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Steph replied on Thu, Feb 27 2014 8:47 AM

Thanks Roger,

Very interesting ! Yes - thumbs up

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Normann replied on Thu, Feb 27 2014 9:43 AM

Yes - thumbs up

The same price range as the BL 9? Do you know anything about that?

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