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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beo6 - Samsung Smart TV 2013

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This post has 13 Replies | 2 Followers

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tradingman Posted: Thu, Jun 20 2013 7:51 AM

Hello everybody,

does the Beo6 support  the new generation of Samsung Smart TV's e.x. UE..ES7090/8090.

My local B&O Dealer say NO! Sad

Regards form Bavaria


Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

A Very Warm Welcome to Beoworld..

From a purely hardware viewpoint the Beo5 & Beo6 can control 99% of third party (Non B&O) products including all Samsung products.

The configuration is created and updated to the Beo5 or Beo6 using the B&O Configuration Tool. This configuration tool has all the configuration files which are stored in XML control files for all current B&O products and a selected number of partner company products such as Lutron lighting. The number of third party partner XML configuration files is about 25-30.

To control your Samsung or any other third party product an XML control file must be made which is used by the B&O configuration programme to add to your overall Beo6 configuration which will be downloaded to your Beo6.

Most dealers do not have this knowledge and/or do not wish to get involved with such configurations, but your dealers answer is not correct. What he should have told you is "that it can be done, but we do not provide that service."

If you have a Lintronic box you can use it to produce a very basic XML control file in RAW format ONLY, but this is effectively an image copy of the original, so commands that require for example a "repeat" or have a toggle bit will not work. However, the Beo5/6 firmware provides full support for the two most common protocols namely NEC and RC5 and for others I use the little understood "Bitstream" encoding to achieve ALL the functionally of the original remote for 99% of third party products.

Many B&O dealers will arrange for third party XML files to be made for you and you can send me an email for further information..

Regards Keith....

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Puncher replied on Thu, Jun 20 2013 12:31 PM

Some of the newer Samsung TV's are moving to Bluetooth remote controls, not sure if this would be the reason here.

Ban boring signatures!

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tradingman replied on Sun, Jun 23 2013 12:04 PM

Thanks for your answer Keith!

So I will give the Beo6 a try....Big Smile



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Hi Keith,

as I understand, I can use your XML Generator to convert pronto-codes to xml files. Can you send me the manual of this tool - so I can have a look at this?



Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495


When the Beo5 was first released many years ago a very basic XML generator was produced and provided to Beoworld Silver & Gold members and can be found HERE. This basic generator could and does provide the following limited benefits:-

  • Converts an IR code captured with the Lintronic box to RAW

NOTES: RAW is in fact just an image of the captured code ONLY, so that an IR protocol which uses a different command on subsequent same key presses or a repeat command will not work correctly or not at all.

Subsequent to this tool being developed, Lintronics made the same facility available in their configurator.

However, I did produce a much more advanced version a few years ago and I use it to produce XML files for which I make a small charge and is not for download by members. My advanced version can convert from the following capture formats:-

  1. Lintronics, both old output and current format
  2. Any Philips Pronto HEX code
  3. From any existing PUC DEC file available to dealers from B&O
  4. Captures from IRScope
  5. Captures from any Oscilloscope trace

The tool produces an XML file which can be dragged-n-dropped into a Beo5/6 configuration and has the hard keys and digits pre-assigned within the XML file.

Because the tool can produce an XML file using RAW and BITSTREAM encoding methods as well as using the fully utilising the NEC and RC5 protocols built into the Beo5/6 firmware means that an XML file can be produced for 99% of all 3rd party IR based remote controls. Also the features of these remotes can be exactly the same as the original remote.

To give you an idea of what can be achieved, I have included a screen shot below from the tool which shows a captured Lintronics code which is decoded and shown as an NEC protocol and the binary string is created which will be added to the XML file on a subsequent window.


Regards Keith....

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Bronze Member

Hi Keith,

thanks for your respones. So when I sent you the pronte codes from my e.x. Sony HDD Recorder you can convert the codes for me? Smile

By the way, I found some Excelfile under this link:,d.Yms

In column B you can find the codes (column C often doesn't work). Can you use this files with your programm?



Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495


If you find Pronto HEX codes such as the ones available at remote Central HERE then they can be converted.

The key words to note are "Pronto HEX codes" rather than pronto configurations.

Regards Keith....

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Hi Keith,

okay I found some Pronto Codes for my Sony HDD Recorder and extracted them from a PCF file.

Could you make a xml from these codes? Whistle




Top 500 Contributor
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ed7 replied on Tue, Jun 25 2013 8:53 PM

 I am impressed with this remote control function  from LG looks cool idea!!! magic remoteSmile

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

 I am impressed with this remote control function  from LG looks cool idea!!! magic remote

Whilst these new remotes look great, it should be noted that they are NOT IR (Infra-red) remotes and therefore their commands cannot be used on a Beo6

Regards Keith....

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

Pronto Codes for my Sony HDD Recorder

Whilst I have made an XML file from these codes you have found, they do not produce valid Sony protocol commands and some had invalid Pronto codes.

Please do try the attached file, but I will be surprised if any of them work.

Regards Keith....

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tradingman replied on Wed, Jun 26 2013 11:33 AM

Hi Keith,

thank you for your help. I found these codes on  As I understand, these codes are learned codes from the original remote.

Perhaps you can tell me, why do you think these codes are wrong, so I can better understand these things  Unsure

Regards Mat

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495


The Sony IR protocol codes are in one of three forms, either 12, 15 or 20 bits depending on the product.

All Sony IR protocol have a start bit of 2,400 Micro second pulse followed by a 600 Micro second pause (space or 0 volts) +/- 5% and the whole IR string is made up of multiples of 600 micro seconds

Philips Pronto codes represent these values in Hexedecimal (to the power of 16), so the start pulse/pause have a HEX value of 0060 0018 or decimal 96 24

if we take the POWER command from your HEX list as below
0000 0066 0000 0015 0061 0019 0030 0019 0019 0019 0030 0019 0019 0019 0030 0019 0019 0019 0019 0019 0019 0019 0030 0019 0019 0019 0030 0019 0030 0019 0019 0019 0030 0019 0019 0019 0030 0019 0030 0019 0030 0019 0030 0019 0030 01C7

Starting on the left

0000 means its a captured IR code
0066 is the decimal value of the Carrier frequency where frequency = 1000000/(66 * 0.241246) rounded to the nearest 1,000
0000 is the length of the one time burst if there is one, normally zero
0015 is decimal 21 meaning there are 21 bits of Pulse/Pauses including the start bit meaning this is a 20 bit code

A binary "1" has a pulse of 1,200 micro seconds and a binary "0" has a pulse of 600 micro seconds and all pauses are 600 micro seconds

I can see from the scope output below that there is one binary bit missing and that is why it would not work. The top waveform is what you will see by converting the Pronto HEX code for POWER you have found and the bottom waveform is what you see when you add the last binary bit which was missing
I have seen this before where users of post pronto HEX codes, but the number of bits is one less that it should be.

Regards Keith....

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