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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beo5 and DreamBox DM8000?

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Top 200 Contributor
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gerard Posted: Sun, Jun 30 2013 12:19 AM
I was told that it would be possible to control my DreamBox DM8000 directly with a Beo6 when using the right xml file for the Beo6.

Would it also be possible to use a Beo5 with this xml file?

Do both Beo5 and Beo6 use the same IR-Protocols?

The DreamMultimedia IR-Protocol is called TWIRP , is it true that Beo5 or Beo6 will understand TWIRP?

Beo6 is too expensiv for me , so I would go for a Beo5 if it will work with my DM8000.

Thanks for your help

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

I can confirm that any XML file produce for the Beo5 will work on the Beo6 and is downward compatible as well.

The protocol specs for the Beo5 are exactly the same as the Beo6

A Beo5/6 XML file using either RAW (Image copy) or Bitstream (Better method) will produce the IR codes for the TWIRP protocol which uses a 38 KHz carrier. The only thing you would need to establish is the device code for that product which is best done by capturing one of the IR codes from the original remote.


Regards Keith....

Top 200 Contributor
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gerard replied on Mon, Jul 1 2013 9:58 AM

Thank you Keith for the info, but I do not realy understand what you understand by:

Keith Saunders:
The only thing you would need to establish is the device code for that product which is best done by capturing one of the IR codes from the original remote.

Do I only have to find the " device code " or do I have to capture all buttons from the original remote?

How could capturing be done? Here in the forum I red about a lintronic device, but I do not know what it is, nor do I have it.

Would it be possible to find the " device code " on the internet? What would be the keywords to search for?

Thanks for your help



EDIT: I found this document giving many informations on remote controls, which I do not understand:

JP1 remote - Google Document

the link comes from this site: in the wiki-page : " ... You can determine which version you have by referring to the remote control spreadsheet available here: ... "

by the way my dreambox is a DM8000


I also found this file which may give you some info: Dreambox_8000.txt

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495


Do I only have to find the " device code " or do I have to capture all buttons from the original remote?

How could capturing be done? Here in the forum I red about a lintronic device, but I do not know what it is, nor do I have it.

Would it be possible to find the " device code " on the internet? What would be the keywords to search for?


Capturing all the IR codes for every button is always the best way to be certain everything will work perfectly..

If you have a capturing device such as the Lintronic box, then I would certainly use that to capture the codes, however, most members who purchase Lintronic boxes use them for the intended use as a converter/ IR translator and as they are quite expensive you would not purchase one just to do some one off captures of IR codes.

Other options include find Pronto HEX codes HERE which can be converted. These codes are uploaded by Remote Central members and some of them are far from perfect, but it is certainly a good starting point.

Almost all IR protocols have a device code (Address of device) and commands, for example basic NEC protocol can have one of 256 device codes to allow the ability for several devices in the same room using the same protocol not to interact with each other by each having a different device code.

I do provide a paid service where you can send me your original remote and I will capture all the IR codes and make the XML file for you. If you are interested, then please contact me by email.

Regards Keith....

Top 25 Contributor
Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Beobuddy replied on Fri, Jul 26 2013 2:41 PM

All ir codes are the same for the Dreamboxes. I use a DM7000 for my 8000. Suppported already for a long time.

But this is only usefull if you're using a B&O telly with these instructions on the PUC list.

Top 200 Contributor
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gerard replied on Wed, Jul 9 2014 12:32 PM

Hi Keith,

I now got the money to buy a Beo5 on ebay and I will start to configurate it.

For now I just took a look to the ConfigTool (v.6.00) but I could not find my AV9000 system under the B&O Products.

Is there some thing wrong with my ConfigTool or does the AV9000 not work with Beo5?



Top 200 Contributor
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gerard replied on Tue, Oct 7 2014 7:20 PM

Hi in the Beo5 info and resource center ( here ) I found this Info:

Using the Lintronic Software

To capture the 3rd party remote control infra-red codes you will need the Lintronic box and their software, but if you have the Philips PRONTO codes available from one of the many web sites for your product, then you do NOT need the Lintronic hardware.

You can download the Lintronic software HERE

But this link isn't active anymore.

Can anyone help me finding this Lintronic software to convert the pronto-codes to XML? Or give me the right link to the software.



Top 200 Contributor
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gerard replied on Wed, May 20 2015 10:43 PM

I'm still searching for this software from Lintronic which used to be linked in the wiki, but the link is dead.

Can anyone help me find this software?



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